If I dance in the wet with a wad.. is that okay?

I have a trip on wednesday to a and i`m wondering if you can travel in the sea or on water rides next to a pad. i`ve never used a tampon formerly and i`m afraid to use it because it might hurt.My mom also doesn`t like the view of me using a tampon. But i wanna kno if its okay to go contained by the water or on dampen rides with a restricted pad or wad . please help thankfulness. also, idk if by wednesday it might be kind of gone . myabe. i only just got my extent this morning so i dont know.

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EWWW, no method. Have you ever seen a babies diaper surrounded by a pool or ocean? It balloon up and would be huge like a soggy handkerchief between your legs. Don't go if you HAVE to use a wad. Try a tampoon. What's the big deal? It doesn't hurt and conjure the freedom you'll have. Experiment a few times and see how it feel. Put it in and waddle around and then run it out and put in another one to practice. Its so flowing!

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no only don't go surrounded by

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It will expand if it get wet, and it will probably show more and be annoying. Id suggest step with a small slender panty liner, dont go contained by the water, try a tampon, or transport off the wipe before going in hose.

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try a tampon... your life will be so much ... eh. cleaner... :)

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no.dont do it. pad absorb water and get big. if u can't use a small tampon (which won't break your hymen) then you should sit out of swimming n things.


the wipe will get adjectives wet and soaky..
uhm you obligation to use a tampon..thats the only road...
if you need backing you can ask your mom...
trust me i thot it would hurt alott but it didnt really...
just alittle..

hope i help
smile :)

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NEVER EVER DO THIS!! the wad will swell with wet, or possibly fall sour in the wet. Use tampons.

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Tampons don't hurt. The pad will look chance because when your swinsuit gets damp, it will stick to your body and sometimes you can see the pad later. Tampons are great because you can't see them. Get a pack of slim tampons and try them out before you move about on yor trip. I was afraid to use tampons at first but immediately I love them because you can't feel them at adjectives.

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Tampons are actually not fitting for you to use. It is ok to wear a pad, as long as you know you won't see it floating by you soon. Lol! Just to kind you feel better, I own done it before.

Your length tends to bleed smaller number when you are in marine anyway. Even in the shower.

I tried to wear a tampon after getting used to pad and ended up going to the doctor. They can impose problems. Some women are ok to wear them, but most are not. The doctor will tell you like peas in a pod thing.

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NO, it would obtain all soggy and if your are bleeding it would contaminate the hose.

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No, explicitly not ok! Think of the bacteria you will ooze into the pool water. You may not swim until it's over. OR use the tampon, the slim ones are best for spanking new users. They do not hurt honey.

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i nhave the exact same problem, cause my stupid mom booked our shore trip when i always hold my period!

my guess: they might find soggy, but if you wear shorts over ur bathing suit (and use a LOT of tape to hold it still) possibly it would work. but im really not sure.

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The pad will cessation up leaking...which could be embarassing in the long run. They do enjoy tampons called Slim Fits. They are for girls who hold never tried tampons before. Try that...it will not hurt at adjectives...at least from my experience. Also, gain plastic...not cardboard.

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no it will get sea logged and uncomfortable, if you swim...wet rides in shorts might be ok if by wed it's slowed down lots... but if NOT no motive it will get soaked through, To be honest I'd avoid wet all together if I couldn't wear a tampon...
You should ask your mom... nearly Tampons and explain how you feel. There's Jr. ones that would work fine for you.
Best wishes!

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Intersesting baptize for someone who needs near moms permission for something similar to your asking, anyways....on the ?...no water will soak the wipe, leaving it useless for the other problem.Have you see the commercial on diapers, this one holds more than the other, same principle applies. hope that helps.

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tampons all the path with watter
they dont hurt it will appropriate some trys to get it right >>>
and once it is within you cant even feal it

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no its not okay to do that becuz the blood on the pad can overflow out and u dont want blood draining from u when u come out of the water. the wad gets mushy and soft soft that it can also hole apart and that will come out from your bottom wear. nope dont do it. tampons would be good if u be prolly older i assume and u prolly are a vrigin so u shudnt wear it if thats the travel case.

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Don't go surrounded by at all! When you achieve wet, you will see red adjectives over you and it will be from your period that hit the wad. There's nothing wrong next to wearing tampons. That's what they are made for. Do you really want to be embarrassed by your spell seeping adjectives over the place when you hit the water and the dampen turning red all around you? Do you want associates to be disgusted by you and laugh at you? Save yourself the awkwardness and either use a tampon or don't shift in at adjectives.

This is for women only, i havent have my period contained by 3 months but im not pregnate cuz im a virgin what's wrong?

No, you cannot wear a pad or pantyliner in the pool, it will disintegrate resembling a diaper would. and clog the pool filters. Talk to your mom just about wearing a slender tampon for this occasion. they do not hurt if you put them within correctly. Your period can final from 3-7 days.

Yesterday i bought some vaginal cream for my yeast infection, its the 7 day one, well i've used some of it

never wear a wad in sea. i know you say u enjoy never used a tampon but u may want to try it. it wont hurt unless u put it in wrong but your mom can explain to you how to.

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No, it is not okay. It is not sanitary for everyone else in the pool or river with you! The tampon will hold germs on it which other people can gain from you in the dampen. Blood is not a good by-product to be putting in a pool. Plus they expand in wet and could be embarrassing to you. Save yourself the discomfort and embarassment..any don't go within the water or swot up to use a tampon. I think, it is better to dally and go swimming a different time.

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Seriously, try a tampon! A wad will expand when wet resembling a diaper. Not only is that disgusting, if it is soaked beside water, how do you expect it to hold "anything" else, know what I anticipate? Tampons DO NOT HURT! My sister was startled, but just try the junior size first until you find used to the idea. Woman own done this for centuries, in Egypt they used lamb's wool as a homemade tampon. I appreciate your nervous, but don't join embarrassed to the enumerate too!

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NOOOO!! trust me u will not like the result... newly try a tampon it does not hurt, i was anxious to death teh first time i used it adn trust me its so much easier and cleaner... u know u can use a tampon merely once its ok...

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I wore pads when I first get my period and discovered that the switch to tampons be a good perception. As for your question .you can't budge in the wet with a wad because it will inflate as it absorbs the sea and turn into a big wet mess wich won't if truth be told be able to do its mission properly if you know what I mean, also it may lose its stickyness and basically come off and float away (yikes). It is possible to ride a river ride if it is like a log ride or something in a raft where on earth you have the possibility of not getting completly submerged in marine. Water slide is a big no no!!
Ask your mom if you can try a tampon this time, and see how it feels. You will be amazed at how pale and easy they are to use and they completely do not hurt. You can find some that are ultra thin next to a silk glide wrapping and they are so small and comfortable that you won't know its within. Also if you or your mom are worried about the possibility of a problem near your viginity and the use of tampons, Why don't you have her get a phone call to her gynecologist and receive the info for you. I am not an authority but I am pretty sure it won't be a problem at all. At least possible then you can be in motion swimming too and ride all the sea rides you want instead of having to be self-righteous with dipping your foot in, because similar to I said with a wipe thats about adjectives you will be able to do. I hope this info help!

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No, not a good theory.

When i was contained by the 7th grade i have an end of year institution swimming trip to go on. Well i get my period the darkness before and my mom told me to of late wear a tampon.and i wouldnt bc i knew it would hurt. So i wore a wipe...and while we were in attendance...i went down the river slide and when i came rear legs up from under the hose down...there be my pad..floating...

So yes, dont do this.wear a tampon...it sounds worse than it rlly is...and it doesnt hurt. Its much cleanier than a wad too. Once i finally convinced myself to wear them, i wouldnt wear nething else.

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i suggest you try tampons but you will haveto practise while you are on your time and read the instructions on the box ask you mother to help you

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omg! Don't go surrounded by the water beside a pad. It's going to expand close to you wouldn't believe! Just to show you what it'll do, take a verbs pad and submerse it into hose down or a while. Trust me, you'll thank all of us who told you not to for savign the loss of composure. It'll look like you're wearing a giant diaper! Besides, tampons aren't bleak and they are alot cleaner. The fluid is absorbed internally instead of lay there against your skin. :)

My period last for going on for 8-10 days every cycle, is this normal?

it will puff up

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