How can I stop these sore gallstone attacks? PLEASE HELP?

I have lately been diagnosed near gallstones in my nerve bladder which are around 2cm big. I have to hold them removed but the waiting list is a few months long. How can I bear up the next few months beside these frequent gallstone attacks. I have be prescribed strong painkillers but i was wondering if near was a bearing I could stop them happening or conduct operations them somehow, maybe near home remedies or other tips? Also, I am hardly drinking because I feel so unwell, does this crop up to anyone else, I can't go on not drinking but don't know what to do. Any help would be appreciated.

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Having have those attacks in times gone by, I found Gaviscon helped.
Also to avoid the attackes, stay away from grease, ie: sausauge,bacon. Orange liquid as well triggered mine.
Basically confirms I'm doing all I can whilst waiting for my operation (hope it's not too much longer as I've have these attacks on average once a fortnight for the past 19 months). Also I've notice stress and RED meat bring them on too - hope this helps someone else

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alot of attacks are usually cause by greasy, fatty foods and hot, spicey foods. i actually lived stale of pain meds and simethicone, which help.

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quick anatomy and physiology lesson..when you eat, your stomach senses plump content in the food, sends a signal to the liver to produce bile to disperse the plump, (makes the big globs of fat into little tiny ones, aids in digestion) the more chubby the more bile needed, the stronger the signal to produce bile..Ouch! biliary colic.aka gall bladder attack!
Try small frequent meal low in fat-vs- massive meals...more fruits and veggies smaller quantity fried chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy, ( my favorites yum yum), and small amounts, but more frequently.6 small meal instead of two or three large meal....good luck..

To the women who suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) hold you taken tablets for it? And does it work?

i had my gallbaldder out concluding yr and all i did be was in recent times take the affliction killers and didnt chomp through to much fatty foods but you still have to get through i waited 7 months for my op. and i must say-so i do feel alot better immediately.

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