After sex next to a condom, I get a yeast infection. Has happen twice?

I've only have sex twice, and with one and the same person. Although approaching 4 years ago I ALMOST had sex.. the guys penis purely touched me though with a condom *lubricated*, and I get a yeast infection a few days later. This time, a couple of months ago, I have sex with a condom *lubricated*. Few days next I got a discouraging yeast infection, and with treatment it go away. I had sex a few days ago again, WITH a condom, and duplicate guy *my fiance*, switched condom brands, and got non lubricated ones this time and I'm immediately with another yeast infection. I hold no idea what it could be. Am I allergic to condoms? I'm fine near latex gloves and whatnot. I'm just really confused.

I am wondering if any other women suffer from pcso & what they did to lose freight & fall pregant?

You purely might have an allergic antipathy to latex. Seems silly, but it is quite possible. Usually condoms protect against the spread of yeast infections, if used correctly.

Men can acquire yeast infections, too. They usually have a yeast infection at the glans of the penis. A man is more imagined to get a yeast infection if he have not been circumcised. Most men enjoy no symptoms. But if they do, they may have irritation and glow on their genitals.

Really, the best bet is to go to the doctor to procure this issue fully worked out. Both you and your fiance. It has happen twice now, twice is plenty, get this problem solved.

Okim 20 and i hold pcos (polycystic ovarian sydrome).does anyone else on here have it? if so..?

doubt it is the condom unless you are alergic to latex

I'm 13 and I'm a 34C is this regular?

It could be a latex alergy. I am alergic to it and I can wear latex glaves for 15 mins or less in the past I have a response but no way could I stand 15 sec beside a latex condom! Lets just utter thats a more sinsitive area down in that. Do you eat deeply of bread or rolls that contain yeast? That can make it easyer to procure a yeast infection. You can call a doc and ask them roughly your problem even though he lives in a different state. You can even phone up the health dept and make conversation to a nurse and no one will know(if you are terrified someone might find out).

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