Whats taking place?

Well I am not sure whats happening here..I should hold gotten my period on the 10th however I get it on the 5th instead and its heavy filling bleeding ..and with lots of clots..I have to change my tampon 2 times within 20mins! I had sex on April 19,20,21 and 22 thats too precipitate to have a miscarriage right? I don't know whats scheduled but everytime i do change my tampon theres a clot! I one and only pass one within the past times..Im startled to go to the dr. its embarresing if this is common..

Help, stores are closed and i need pad?

It could be what's called a "missed miscarriage". It's estimated that most women enjoy a miscarriage in their lifetime hasty enough that it doesn't own time to be diagnosed as a pregnancy.

If you feel that you are bleeding to sweet, you probably are. Call you doctor to get checked out.

Could she a short time ago be developing?

If you are bleeding that much then you should be in motion see an ob/gyn or go to the emergency room. Bleeding that heavily built could be a sign of something major. I would suggest wearing a greater absorbancy tampon until you can get to a doctor.

Had sex 2 weeks precipitate?

you should go to the dr. your overies could be messed up. my neice be like that and when she go to the dr. he found a sist in her overies. so you should really be undamaging and go to the dr.

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