It doesn't business what time I go to bed at hours of darkness, I still never feel resembling getting up?

What can I do to feel more motivated when my alarm go off at 5:30am. I travel to bed at 8 and still feel exhausted.

Help please?

You in fact might be getting too much sleep and believe it or not there is such piece. If going to sleep later resembling at 9 00 doesn't work, put your alarm clock all the channel on the opposite side of your room and next set it at your usual alarm time. Your alarm will ring at 5 30 and you won't be able to turn it bad until you walk across the room. Unless you are completely exhausted, you will enjoy woken up by then. Or you can hold your sister/mom/dad hide your alarm clock somewhere surrounded by your room and when it's time to wake up, voila problem solved!
If you be in motion to bed at 8 o clock you are getting 11 1/2 hours of sleep. That is definently too much sleep. I would say take 10 hours MAX.
I wish I have your problem...I don't get ENOUGH sleep...

What could do a woman to have 2 period in one month?

Problems on your mind or depression over anything can head to this common problem, especially the more severe. It doesn't enjoy to be a physical problem to affect you physically.

Been hypothyroid for 2 years - sudden weight gain NOW?

Are you have enough iron? possibly your a bit low on iron cos that can cause tiredness. Maybe your sleeping too much - sounds stupid, but i find that if i take to bed really early its harder to wake up up than when i have lately 8 hours or so. Another thing i find help is to not hit the snooze button - as tempting as specifically!! If i get straight up, i surface alot better than drifting in and out of sleep. Hope some of this helps!!

I just this minute started taking birth control pillsmaybe half a month ago?

maybe u should receive better vitamins

What are some solutions for dizziness?

you could be over-sleeping, when i get too much sleep i other still feel tired

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This is a adjectives problem for many mothers, and contained by most cases can be solved with a correct in diet and an exercise program. Try adjectives a few carbs and fats from your diet, pilfer a daily multi vitamin/mineral/herb supplement designed for women, and start walking 30 minutes to an hour each day, if this doesn't help later consult your family physician.

Is it typical for girls to have spike on their stomach?

Check with your could enjoy a mineral deficiency or an underlying condition similar to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Do you sleep straight through the night or do you get up up often? That could be cause by stress or a sleep disorder.

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