Do I own a weird process of Orgasming?

Hi I'm a young fully developed, who is with a loving boyfriend of 7 months. I am youthful and active but do not give the impression of being to have the sex drive to contest. I get really discomfited talking in the region of how I feel, and the one and only way I've ever be able to orgasm is through any myself, or dry humping with my ending boyfriend. This is really embarrassing, but its be bothering me for so long! To orgasm, I have to use the strong part of the pack of my hand thats beneath the thumb and push hard on my clitoris nouns and then move my body contained by a rythmic, dry humping manner, keeping the constant pressure. My strange boyfriend feels self-conscious dry humping me because that is what my second boyfriend did to help me orgasm. Help me please! Is within something else I can try? What should him and I do?

Ladies..How would you feel if your husband is a Gynaecologist?

Try experimenting (alone) different ways that you can bring about orgasm. If nothing else slowly move from the method you use in a minute to new ones. slightly conversion the position of your hands and so on until you are competent to get at hand.
For a while I was solitary able to do it myself and next to tension, practice help change that.

Why do us woman enjoy to suffer?

Try asking this in the Men's Health section. They might administer you advice on what they do.

Am i a waterbender?

get a vibrator or something. also try water pressure.

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There is no weird instrument of orgasiming. I use to have matching problem. What you need to do is to procure your boyfriend to keep his pelvis close to yours when have sex. The feeling of his skin pressing tricky on your clitoris will do the trick.
You can also try having sex beside your legs straight on the bed and closed with his legs on the outside of yours. Other than that you will own to experiment with him pressing firmly on your clitoral nouns. Many women can only orgasim beside clitoral stimulation. Others vaginal and still others vaginal and clitoral at the same time. Hope this help =0

Fpr ladies and doctors only pls, pms tiring me back?

Maybe you should get a vibrator. It'll work better than dry humping & that thumb of yours. Trust.

Er i hold some problem?

Try a clit sensitizing gel or cream. They cause the clit to swell and become more sensitive...rub it on, and almost 5 minutes later you will be through the roof! And don't underestimate the power of lube...wetter is emphatically better!

Has anyone ever had a sometime fever?

Every girl I've be with (there own been 6) have a different method of bringing herself to orgasm, be it by herself or with me. Don't verbs about, it's newly you, be proud of it!

Should a person not use hydroxycut when they are on birth control pills?

Don't verbs about it some women cant OG if that works for you and you relish it your boyfriend should love doing it for you. You could try experimenting by yourself with objects and you should take more c**t stimulation with your boyfriend underneath you near your legs at the outside of his.

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