My poop was green! what does that be going to?


I have my length and my stomach is killing m! how do i attain it to stop!! plz help!!?

Sometimes what we munch through can turn our bowel movements green. Sometimes it can also mean something more serious depending on how long someone have noticed the symptom for. In a suitcase like this I would recommend following up near the dr to see what they think could be going on.

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you drink alot of veggies.

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you are a mutant from outer space

nah, what poster #1 said.

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Every once in a while it change color but if remained that way i would be worried.. =\

What should I do immediately?

Dont worry! All it resources is that you ate something green like veggies and in a minute it's coming out! One time it happened to my sister who be a toddler at the time. After everybody had get over the exitement of maria having a green poop, she say "next time I'm gonna do a purple one!" : ) hope that made you smile!

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to be honest no is gas!

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that you can rhyme and you drink alot of green vines

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when my daughter was 3 if she drank alot of pruple kool aid she would poop green. a enduring part of the dye within the kool aid didn't absorb and it come out green, that's what the doctor told us.

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sometimes if you drink blue cool aid or liquid this will happen

What can I use???


you must get through your fiber.don't cha'?

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you ate something purple

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You know, my stool was green purely this morning too. Almost completely green. Gross , I know. : /
A few days ago one of my stools had a bit of green, but today it was full blown green!
I infer it may be due to me trying to eat well again since the beginning of this week, exercising everyday (intense cardio), and consuming lots of hose. Though, I have not be eating awfully many rich colored veggies or food, mostly a moment ago strawberries. Odd, huh?
Anyway, have you changed your diet? Been exercising more lately? Doing a detox diet?
I can one and only assume it may be due to some change contained by your body or something you ate, but I am no expert. If it persists and you cannot bring the slightest idea why (i.e. intake colored foods, etc.) then I recommend that you contact your physician. You should do it presently if you are worried.

I just found this, hope it help some:
"What is the cause of green poop?
(Question submitted by ap, CrAzYMiC98 and several others)
I own consulted with a doctor, a physiologist and a microbiologist on this grill, and the following summarizes their answers:
Healthy people can hold green poop if they eat a diet rich contained by leafy green vegetables, or if they consume large quantity of food coloring (in ice cream, cake frosting etc.).
Green poop can also be cause by excess iron in the diet, from dietary supplements, for example. If the body does not involve all the iron consumed, the iron may stain the poop green, the color of iron (II) salt. Ordinarily, the green color may be masked by the normal brown poop color, but if digestion is thrown sour by illness so that bilirubin is smaller number concentrated in the intestine, the green color may become adjectives. This can happen when a soul is afflicted with diarrhea."

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