Burping all the time ?
i burp alot now and its love like i in recent times got done ingestion eggs and i havnet ate eggs in nearly 2 1/2 weeks ago and i have lots of gas and be aware of like i stipulation to throw up what can this be?
Lactose intolerance will produce burping, gassiness, wet f*rts, belching, bloated tummies, bitter reflux ...... ditch all dairy products for 1 week to confirm it !! So - no yoghurt, icecream, milk, butter, chocolate, candy (yaaaa also have lactose in it), cheese ( although cheese is reeeeeeeally low within lactose). Focus on other calcium rich foods such as broccolli, kale, spinach, soy beans and use a milk substitute such as rice milk or goats milk till you decipher that you are in truth lactose intolerant ..... odds on though that you are.. CHEERS
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