I enjoy my period and my stomach is massacre m! how do i get it to stop!! plz abet!!?


I'd like to know that if a woman have sexual intercourses with two men or more at alike time and she become

You can use treatments like Midol and a heat pad to pinch care of the cramps that you are have now. Are you on birth control? A lot of times the pill will relieve with other menstrual problems close to PMS and cramps.

Am I underweight?


Feelings after a miscarriage?

hot water bottle
nurophen plus

Girls individual! (Teens)?

Talk to a doctor first, but I'd recommend going to a vitamin store and taking Black Cohosh on a regular basis. I've found it to completely receive rid of the cramps (at least for me). I prefer naturopathic remedies.

My bf mum said my frontage is getting a bit fatter?

lots of rest and simply taking midol. you may also want to see your doctor about a different alternative if this does not work

Can ppl beneath 18 use breast enhancer cream?

heater pad or some ibeprofen!

Why do women shave their private element,it looks like she is a child?

lye surrounded by bed with a hot sea bottle and eat healthly near is no miraculous cure :( i heard sumone voice to lie obverse down but i'm not sure..

What does sterilization mean?

Whenever it hurts lay on the coutch or bed next to your head poped up beside a pillow... Then have a "drink"* bottle implicit by... slowly drink the bevaredge... That usually helps me... And no advil or andything nessisary...

*you can use any bevarage..

Does the sleeping position have aythg to do with small boob,should I sleep facing upward so they grow bigger?

I usually lug a solpadeine and go up to my electric blanket and rub my poor swollen tummy. If you havent get an electric blanket try a hot water bottle

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