How do you get rid of stubborn belly butter?
after having my twins 5 years ago Im skinny but still enjoy a small pouch whats a gurl to do
After miscarriage, how long will i have my menstrual cycle rear to normal again?
Go on a diet as all right as working out. Don't listen to anyone who says you're stupid. Do crunches or situps day after day. Walking at least a mile a year helps. Eat well. Try a Slim Fast diet or just chomp through better; lots of greens (baby spinach salad with veggies), low calorie snacks, etc.
Lots of hose down!! None of that flavored sugary crap either.
Is in that any way to suspension your period from coming?
WORK OUT ARE YOU A RETARD STUPID PEOPLEScared of exercising in public?
you can do crunches , walking or cardio