Will morning after pill work after sex more than once?

Alright, heres the low down. I had sex near a guy on a thursday, had sex next to a guy on a friday, then took the morning after pill saturday. Now Im pregnant. I'm starting to construe the father is actully an exboyfriend from a while ago. What do yall think? (no moral lectures please).

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The father could conceivably be any of the guys that you slept with during the time frame when you ovulated. You ovulate roughly half-way through your cycle so if this thursday/friday two guy point happened around that time, next it is probably one of them. But if you ovulated earlier than next, it could be your ex-boyfriend, also keeping in mind that sperm can live inside the body for up to 5 days.

Now about the morning-after pill. It's singular about 75% potent (3 of 4) and is most effective when taken inside 72 hours, the longer you wait, the smaller amount effective it is. Also, if you own unprotected sex around the time you ovulate, it's much more likely that you will draw from pregnant than if you had unprotected sex at the origin or end of your cycle. It would enjoy probably been most important against the friday sex, though who's to say the guy wasn't only especially fertile!

Now pin-pointing the father. Remember the number of weeks you are pregnant(if you are say 6 weeks) date back to the date of your concluding period, not the conception date. So if the afternoon of your last time was April 1, next on April 29 you would be 4 weeks pregnant and probably would have conceived somewhere in the vicinity the middle of the month. (assuming you have a 28 light of day cycle) Any guy you have slept beside during that time frame(give or take a week or so) could be the kid's father. See a doctor, they should be able to let somebody know how far along you are (roughly) by dating back to your length and looking at your HcG(pregnancy hormone) levels. Later, when you own an ultrasound, they may be able to be more precise more or less the age of the fetus.

A DNA test after the child's birth should clear up any confusion regarding paternity. Hope everything turns out OK, correct luck :)

What could this be?

i wouldn't try it.

Sex question?

Sometimes they can pinpoint the exact date you conceived. If they can't, you may hold to just hang about and do a paternity test when the little one is born.

I'm not sure if you're asking if the morning after pill will terminate your pregnancy...if you are, the answer is no. It is not a form of abortion and it will not cancel an existing pregnancy. It will only prevent a pregnancy from occuring.

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Well, do your dates coincide to that week. Because out of the two days, you could solely get pregnant once. Maybe the conception dated backbone further than that. (Get condoms)

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