Is it sheltered to have sex during manstural time ?

if i have no choice bcoz my boyfriend is coming in, in a year how can i stop the bleeding please lemme know right away i need to

Im on depo 4 bwt a month but i ddnt find my period duz depo produce me to hav late period or am i in big trouble

There is a product call "instead" you can get it at your local drug store, i buy it at longs. It kinda looks resembling a diaphragm but it does not protect you from pregnancy or any STD's! so you have to wear a condom but it is an alternative to pad and tampons and you can wear it during sex, if you put it in correctly, neither you or your partner will be able to have a feeling it there. It is secure to have sex while you are on your spell and because of all the hormones, it can in truth be more sensitive resulting in even better sex. I highly recommend instead however even if you cant obtain that, just put a towel down, it can be messy but it wont hurt you or anything. Just remember that no concern what, you can get pregnant so other use the condom. And you never have to enjoy sex unless you feel close to you want to.

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You can't stop the bleeding. It is, however, safe.

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er, firstly you do hold a choice, its your body.
secondly, you cant stop the bleeding, you will just own to let it run its course.
and thirdly, yes, it is completely past the worst to have sex while on your spell.


no, dont have sex during that, u jump down pregnant very smoothly, if u still do have sex, clutch the "morning after pill" straight after the sex, wear a condom.

how old are you?

Period give somebody the third degree.?

hey i wud say progress 2 ur doctor and eat greatly of fruit and try 2 adjust sex and dont let im discern disgustd by d bleedin eat well brought-up food make sure u are consumption no sugary foods bcoz dat could also speed up d bleeding

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You can' stop the bleeding and it is quite nontoxic to have sex during your menstural time. However, you may experience and be more prone in getting reliable vagina infection.

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i asked like question myself once. People own told me that it is safe to enjoy sex during a mestrual period and that it also heighten there sensitivty during sex although i myself prefer not to do it because of the cleaning up i enjoy been told by fundamentally close friends and 1 medical examiner that it is quite risk-free to do so. So if u feel comfortable doing this consequently go ahead and try you enjoy nothing to lose really. GOOD LUCK and enjoy fun

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It is safe contained by the general sense, yes. I hope you don't plan on have unprotected sex, because there is a risk of pregnancy even when you are bleeding. You may perceive discomfort or soreness during sex because of your menses, but it is not physically dangerous. I don't know of any path for you to stop the bleeding. Perhaps you could take a long hip bath and wash yourself really ably down there, afterwards invite him to join you within the bathtub. That mode things would stay clean. Or basically have him use a condom.

If you hold AIDS or HIV then you should not be have sex while on your period, your blood would be carrying the virus and you could impart it to him. But in that bag you should be using condoms anyway.

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Mentrual term for women is a normal article, of course. Sex is regular for couples too. Sex during menstrual is safe but it will be bloody messy... It's up to you and your boyfriend if you still required to have sex.

A piece of proposal, it will be much fun having sex after your menstrual interval. Women are safe (pregnancy) during the 1st few days after the time of year.

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no it's never safe unless you use a condom. at hand is no way to readily stop the flow.
if you're an adult, use a condom or play battleship or monopoly. spend time near him differently than you usually do. if you decide to enjoy sex though, use a condom.
if you're not an adult, possibly you should think give or take a few not doing it at all.

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It is safe and sound.A bit messy though.

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it is out of danger, however, to avoid the mess how about have sex in the shower?

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You can't stop the bleeding but it is safe.
There are lots of other things you can do in need him being inside you, it depends on how you both touch about it, but you can still own a lot of fun!

HELP me its substantial!?

It is safe and do not verbs about the bleeding most guys do not concern!

Is this normal or seedy?

There is a small chance that you may ovulate inside seven days of when your period starts. It's unlikely, but possible. Ovulation (when the egg is released from the ovary) can be difficult to predict because your menstrual cycle doesn't necessarily run like clockwork from month to month. If your cycle is shorter than usual, or if you bleed for extra days, you may ovulate during or shortly after your term. If the release of the egg (which can live for one to three days) coincides with the poignant live sperm (which can live in your body for five to seven days after unprotected sex), you can conceive. The bottom dash: If you are not using contraception, it's a crapshoot.
Best thing to do is ask your doctor and if you don't want to bring back pregnant, use a condom.

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