My girlfriend is on the Ortho Evra patch and I am concerned.?

My girlfriend has be on the patch for maybe two years immediately and I just just this minute heard give or take a few it's effects and I am deeply concerned for her. The entry with her is that the pills won't work for her and the patch really help her slow down on her bleeding. I don't know what to do. Her health isn't adjectives that great. I'm just seeking for support. What should we do? Appreciate the help.


Has she talk to her doctor about the patch? Maybe you and she involve to schedule an appointment next to her doctor and you guys can talk it out. Her doctor would probably be the best one to numeral out what her risks are and if she needs to switch to another method.

Editing to add on for other people who aren't aware: The patch increases a woman's risk of getting blood clots and thrombosis, which can result in strokes. This risk is superior in women who are over 35 or who smoke.

Is it okay for males approaching me to wear tampon or sanitary pack?

have her go and see her prescribing dr

Help plz trend and weight?

If you are really concerned you should receive her to a physician. This way you can construct sure that the patch is not the cause for her virus, and if it is something else you will find out what. GOOD LUCK!

I have Mirena and I never really thought going on for it but how do they take it out and does it hurt?

I'm just about to start the Patch. What effects are you talking going on for?

Birth Control Pills?

How sweet of you to be concerned.

Have her discuss it with her doctor and see if at hand are other options she can try.

I am currently thinking of have a sex change as i resemble a man more than a woman who do i step to for advice

Im not positive but I think smoking can greatly increase the danger. If she smokes she might want to quit because I think the the likelyhood of the side effects is GREATLY increased by smoking. She should see a doc. though. If its any consolation I know tons of girls who are on the patch and theyre fine! But still...

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