Period examine.?

I was nearly to start my period, afterwards my boyfriend and i started going at it, but he didnt go all the style in. My term never came. it be suppose to come the 4ish..and now its the 16..what happned?

Is it stupid to ask my doctor her judgment?

There are so many suitable reasons why your time of year is late, such as some mentioned above and stress. But. you could be pregnant, especially if your term is irregular, it could mean you are ovulating longer than expected and could receive pregnant just past your period comes. It happen to me so get tested!

I hope it come already, waiting for a late spell is never fun...

What is morning after pill? how it be takene to avoid the risk being pregnent?

*pregnency test*

Irregular spell to start?

You're probably pregnant. Congratulations! Just to make sure, take a test.

Is it possible to cure pcod completely?I be going to by weight loss?

you don't inventory your age pregnancy is possible complete penetration is not needed, but unlikely due to timing if your young next irregularity is probably the answer!

Sex.. Virgin?

you might want to get tested to kind sure your not pregnant. he don't have to move about all the instrument to get you that path! I have one kid that prove that.

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