Whats the best way to put substance on?

my eating pattern havent changed since i was 16 and my cargo has other bordered between 7 to 71/2 stone which i have be told by the practice nurse is within my BMI, but yesterday i notice that my ribs were showing not only on the fron but i could make out my full rib cage. which is scarey! i enjoy a quick metabolisim and dont know what to do.......

Bleeding from the Vagina?

Eat lots of food and view TV alot!!!

Feminine odor, how do you know whats normal? will answer any related query PLEASE HELP!?

beer works for me!

Is my weight ok?

Eating the right stuff. Avoid cast-offs food, drink plenty of water and exercise.

BIG PROBLEM! how do i fix it for my boyfriend?

eat cake!
Eat cheese!


Changing Pill Taking Time?

eat alot of unwanted items food and go to sleep after consumption a huge meal close to every day

How long does it pilfer for depo shot to wear off after 3 months is over?

Come and live at my house, we enjoy no problem putting weight on!!!!!!!!!

Kotex tampons?

There are well again ways to put on weight than second-hand goods i dont really know what to reccomend apart form protein foods ie meat and fish is always perfect but speak to a dietician hunni, i am big but if your happy beside how skinny you are dont do anything unless doc gets worried roughly speaking you!
take vigilance of yourself dnt do it for someone else

Is it just me or is TV wrong when it comes to sex and the things to concordat with afterward?

lots of SEX

Did my g/f used to be a guy?

Follow a big protein and fat diet and put away regulary even 5 meals a light of day

Tampons..and water.?

Eat similar to hell.
There seems to be no other instrument.

Girls only. . .?

please EAT SOMETHING specifically soo scary i know how u fell even though im 12 . guzzle fatty foods or something with more calories

HELP! i have itching and vaginal discharge and persistent cough. i did not pocket treatment for three months.?

I advise speaking near a doctor. Or a nutritionist.

I have never taken birth control pills until that time but I want to start these Quasense (4 periods a year) pills.?

I'll come and see you and lay on you . that`s why you should put on about 14 stone

Why does my birth control pills trademark my breast extremely tender and make me surface so sick?

A Nutritional Shake. Healthy calories (upto 450 per serving), combined with exercise you will gain more lean mass that of late flubber.

I highly recommend USN supplements. The flavours are enticing.

Sounds like possibly you need to devour more too - I know its hard though cuz ur stomach is pretty small. I would suggest you step for the protein shakes and get an exercise plan contained by order.

Any holland and barret, or sport nutrition shop will hand over you great advise on which products to jump for to help bulk you up - the supplements are not newly for muscle heads, close to many give the impression of being to think.

Also find some inspiration, someone beside a physiche you would like - right to be heard a female tennis player. And hold on to that image surrounded by your head as you trip towards that goal.

Make transcript on your weight duplicate time each week ( I weigh myself saturday mornings when I wake up up) to see how you are progressing

Good luck, you've taken the first step in coming here are asking:)

Can you stop taking the pill at anytime?

I am tall and slender. I enjoy not been working out lately (that's undemanding to do!) but when I do weight train for awhile I make out that I am able to put on the pounds. I can devour a lot and thought the problem be my metabolism, but I was competent to really put down the food and show a difference after lifting weights. Try it ,you might surprise yourself.
One last entry. I also tried just drinking plentifully of weight gainer and that lately made my gut get bigger, so I wouldn't recommend that.

How can i suntan faster?

To eat closely and to sit watching TV it is not healthy at adjectives, but the very best item you can try... every morning, after you are taking shower and dry yourself, spread on your body some oil, do for a time massage until it sucks into skin ... I'm sure you can find some innate oil, similar to sesame or mustard seed (I use to buy within Asian food shops). But take a write down that these are heating and better use them during winter time, but for summer it's better something cooling close to coconut or almond oil. Good luck, hope it's sympathetic...

Does Evening Primrose Oil really help PMS?

i enjoy the same prob chomp through at the restos as much as u possibly can i gained 10 pounds in a minute im exactly 100 pounds !!!

How do you give a blow j?

eat small things but recurrently...eat bread potatoes..things approaching that..it worked for a friend of mine :D good luck..

Will I still dance through menopause?

I would suggest trying to make sure you get through regularly, having a proper breakfast within the morning really does make a differance. I have similar problems and I still do in a channel. Try to eat three righteous meals a daylight, eg. something like porridge contained by the morning if you like that, it works for me. Make sure you win enough meat as okay, and eat loads of dairy products to sustain your bones. It can be a problem if you're a fussy eater but try different things and find out what you like so that you can build up a roll of things that you enjoy consumption. Things like dried fruits are a worthy snack food, as are nuts, so you can always keep hold of a packet of dried apricots with you and not surface like you're pigging out on wan things. Fresh fruit and veg are equally important. The best item is just to guzzle three, decent sized, suspended meals a time. Don't just get through things like rice and pasta because your metabolism will only whizz through these in second, add other things to these staples to bulk out the suppertime, give it more collection and slow your system down a bit. Make food interesting and enjoyable to get through. Often it can seem similar to a chore, especially if people are pestering you to chomp through, but if you find yourself a recipe book and look through that and find planning that you like you can whip control of your diet and make it more regular and more interesting as you experiment near cooking and preparing meals.
I really hope this suggestion is helpful, I enjoy a real problem beside my quick metabolism, faddy ingestion and irregular meal customs but if you structure your eating into three meal and occasional snacks and find meals and foods that you soak up then you're more plausible to stick to a regular eating routine and you'll soon quality the benefits and hopefully that ribbiness will disappear.

Normal or Freak?

i would suggest u eat more 'stodgey' food such as roomy amounts carbs with protein such as rice and chicken, potatoes, pasta. dont stuff your frontage with unhygienic snacks as u will put on weight contained by the wrong way, introduce more carbs into your diet and u should put immensity on

How exactly did women used to die contained by childbirth?

eat loads of cakes,cheese,biscuits,chocolat... and sit contained by front of the tv

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