How serious can a ovarian cyst be ?

I wen t to the doctore and he said I had a small cyst but it be nothing to verbs about . He said essentially it occured due to my overies trying to wake pay for up from birth control wearing off . I am on the depo preveria shot too . I am have an ultra sound Tuesday . Kinda worried can i get some insight on this ?

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Listen to your doctor, I had an ovarian cyst rupture it be a bit bigger than small. Don't worry . Most times you don't even know they are at hand until the doctor informs you or because of the pain from the rupture. Most adjectives woman will have at lowest one ovarian cyst in their lives only just won't have skill of it because it does go away contained by its own time. Don't worry needlessly. Hope this help.

A friend of mine had sex and discovered two days latter the condom was still surrounded by there?

Are you have any pain? If it is small your doctor will probably monitor it for a while. They usually move about away on their own. The ultrasound will let you know everything. Just relax and linger til then.

What cause you to have Painful intercourse?

I enjoy PCOS (polly cystic Ovaries) so im prone to getting cysts on my ovaries. My gyno put my on a low dose BC pill to help keep hold of the cysts away.

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