Help understanding my interview results...?

Back on March 1st, three days after my period finished, I had bloodwork done to experiment my hormone levels. The level they checked for depended on which phase of my cycle I was surrounded by, but since I was have periods 14 days apart I'm not sure exactly which phase I be considered to be in at the time. The results come back "inconclusive" since the blood have been taken at 6pm so he didn't want to use them as the merely results, he sent me back contained by first thing contained by the morning when the levels would be most accurate. My gyn said they be irregular; FSH 21.6, LH 73.1, Prolactin 26.6. Both LH and Prolactin levels elevated, LH awfully elevated. He said I ovulate very irregularly which I read, but I am trying to figure out what the results adjectives mean surrounded by general. I hold looked at many websites but cannot really find anything adjectives. Does anyone here have experience contained by what I am asking? Please share what you know if you do, thanks!

Friend merely started smoking please help me lend a hand her!?

You should have be in the follicular phase considering that you be so early within your cycle, although with such an irregular cycle, to be exact questionable. With your LH so high, you should probably enjoy been close to ovulation.

The citation levels for mundane vary according to the lab doing the evaluation; your 'commonplace' ranges may have be different.

Ask your gynae to explain more fully what he/she meant, and what the inflict may be.

I had a series of blood test over a few months to test for ovulation. My gynae didn't discern that once was sufficient as I may not ovulate every month. Perhaps you could speak to your doctor in the region of having further test to clear up the confusion.

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It appears your cycle is individual 14 days.This is not in standard gamut.Is it regular(I mean is it regularly 14 days or fluctuate?.In such skin average normal values for hormone level will not be valid hence can not be used to decide the phase of menstrual cycle..If your gynac. say your ovulation is irregular it means you hold fluctuating levels of hormone.In such crust your report will always be inconclusive.
Please see an endocrinologist for sustain.

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