Omg girls plez back me girls only and no tight or rude answers please!?

ok is this normal and it starting to hold me worried ok well when i draw from my period its other really really heavy and it will later 6-10 days sometimes and will also like stop and consequently start agin and i m starting to get really really really worried can u oblige me please i m not kidding.

Anny other women near an IUD have this.?

Okay so i'm trying to clarify achieve your period and it will ending for a long time, about a week or so. Then, it will stop for in the order of two days or something and then start up again?

If this is what youre discussion about, a similar piece happened to me. Baisically, if you a moment ago got your term or have have it for about a year, it's not regular however! My advice is to detail your female guardian around it and she can help you prefer if its enough of a problem. If youre not too embarassed, you could ask the conservatory nurse possibly. The only true solution however is to be in motion or call your Gynocologist. Now, if you dont own your own gynocologist, you will probably go to your womanly guardian's gynocologist because they feel comfortable beside that doctor. Going there can be extremely frightening and you may feel violated but tehy doctor is lately doing their job.

Osteoperosis prevention, whats the best course of motion?

I suggest you go see a doctor.

I enjoy a problemwell, not really a problemmore of a concern, I guessbut..please answer!?

From the history, sounds like you enjoy menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, and menometrorrhagia. Basically it is heavy bleeding, bleeding between cycles, and sturdy bleeding between cycles, respectively.
I don't know what your age is, but it would be a good perception to get checked, not solitary for anemia check (low blood count), but to rule out any dangerous cause for heavy bleeding.

Girls ony!?

Some times this happen, but I wouldn't be too worried because sometimes stress can make you own larger periods.

How can I lose my belly flab and hips?

i consider you should see the doctor for that, but one thing you might do is drink more hose down. so it wont be to heavy

Is it aproprate to ask a woman for psyche?

Two words my dear: Birth Control.

I had an insane time like you. Then I get on birth control, and my acne cleaned up, I lost 20 lb, don't get cramps anymore, and use a lantern tampon during my three day long length.

Why every month my period does not come on the hours of daylight its suppose to?

That is actually VERY NORMAL! Sometimes it may come across like you hold a much heavier flow than you really do. I am a big swimmer so i usually don't get mine that repeatedly and when I do its very short (about 2 days) and at hand is barely any blood. Well I took a break from swimming, get my period and I have to move up a tampon size! I was so worried that nearby was something wrong near me because there be a LOT of blood and it lasted 8 days. I talk to my doctor and she said it was in fact very majority. If this still doesn't help, it can't hurt to step to the doctor and have it checked out but I really don't suggest there is anything to verbs about.

Hope you be aware of better soon!


Ugh, what time is it right now surrounded by California? I'm so confused!?

ask for birth control it'll regulate ur period

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