Is it truth that taking birthcontrol pills,usin condoms a sin?

How can this be a sin?some one tolm me because, a girls body is to reproduce but where not freaking bunnies plus babies are really expensive. I expect a sin is to have alot of kids and not person able to nurture then and dress them.
am i wrong?

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It kind of depends on your religious beliefs and how strongly you hang to those beliefs. I am a practicing Catholic and in our church, it has other been a BIG no-no to use any artificial way of birth control.It has be brought to the attention of just roughly speaking every Pope, and even during the Vatican II reforms rear legs in the untimely 1960's, it is still not allowed by the church even though most Catholics contained by the Western World practice some form of birth control because, like you said, it is really expensive to raise children. It's sort of a "Don't ask, don't tell" type of point.
The sad piece is, is that alot of poor Third World countries that are primarily Catholic, follow Church doctrine to the letter and so it turns out that those who cannot afford copious children the most, are having the most children. So frequent of those children will die from malnutrtition, poor medical care, even diseases that be wiped out contained by this country are still killing kids contained by poor under-developed countries because they do not have vaccines against those illnesses that we hold here. Plus most of those countries have poor sanitary conditions and the wet supply is often contaminated. Not individual are children dying, but mothers are dying during childbirth due to having so masses babies in a short amount of time and masses babies dying as well during infancy due to poor medical exactness availability.
So, it is a very personal decree whether to follow church doctrine to the letter or not. I don't know if artificial birth control is frowned upon contained by protestant churches--I haven't heard of any. Mormans--The Church of the Latter Day Saints--believe in have many children as they are a blessing from God but
I don't know something like their use of birth control.

Torn Family. Help? :(?

only if you are catholic amish mormon pentacostal or southern baptis

Why can't pregnant women eat sushi?

in bible it say ur not suppose to spill ur seed its a leftovers but
then again look at ur source

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No, as long as it is inside wed-lock, it is not a sin.

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In some religions, it is.

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amen to that. i can`t bear to see that - because it's "the word of god"

that is SO ARCHAIC. it may hold been a sin when the world needed ancestors to reproduce and populate since so many be dying of disease sickness. it's outdated and dangerous to still enjoy such a view of morality and godliness.

I don't obtain my period?

According to the Roman Catholic church, yes, it is a sin, even if you are married. You are supposed to adopt children lovingly from God, it's in your marriage vows. Must be the most adjectives sin of all. You are supposed to abstain, or use the rhythm method, which to me is close to trying to fool God ! The doctrine from the last pope, John Paul 2, God bless him, be that if you truly believe something is not a sin (truly believe, right down to your tippy toes and deep down within your soul where God can see), if you truly believe it is not, consequently it is not. Just remember , you can't fool God, so no cheating.

Help - mom sister trouble?

yeah ..! your extermely right! it would be a greater sin if you beget children and you would not able to run care and provide them their requests...

Is there a path?

no it's not may be in some religons but very soon it's not use it

I got my tampon contained by then 10mins l8er it hurts?

It is a sin to those who get the impression in their belief to listen to the pope within the catholic church...but personally I do not agree, who is this celibate man to speak about me that I am sinning when I choose to not create a child that at the time is not wanted and I am unawares for.

I guess i could never be so devout to follow blindly..but a lot do.they make available up their freewill to listen and do to the letter what someone else say.

You have the right attitude,,,it is not ok to create a child when you do not want it or involve it.

You have the right to your judgment and to follow it as do those who believe it is a sin.the difference is others might try to put their beliefs on you.they are the wrong ones.

I havent gotten my period on the other hand and my friend and sister make fun of me, wut should i do?

The authentic sin is the parasite spouting this claptrap
and making you worry just about being responsible for
your own energy. The church doesn't like birth control cause
i's easier to breed little zombie's next to recruit and convert

How long does it clutch for depo shot to wear off after 3 months is over?

All I know is that Catholics believe that the two purposes for have sex is unity and procreation. If you cut sour the procreation part, later it's wrong. I don't necessarily believe in this. I don't estimate women should be baby making machines. I one-sidedly see nothing wrong next to birth control or condoms.

I always discern light head and feel slightly.. what could be the cause?

The Roman Catholic church is within some ways a terrorist group. The Church spews hatred nil more and nothing smaller quantity.

Ladies.male or feminine OB/GYN?

yes because God created women and men to reproduce...and by using birth control method you are stopping that cycle...that's why they created the calendar method...but its up to you if you want to use them or not.and I agree with you and I ponder God understands that..otherwise why would he consent to the human mind to create those methods?..

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