What age is it ok for teens to start freight lifting?

i have a younger friend and she is 14, and she wishes to start lifting weights at a program at school.it's over the summer everyday from monday-thuresday for an hour.is it ok for her to lift up? she wont be lifting a lot of bulk but she just requests to stay in shape for sports and stuff.would it ruine her robustness in the adjectives if she did?

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As long as she doesnt strain her body she should be fine. I use to do bulk lifting and sports when I was her age. The just thing you stipulation to look out for is her eating behaviour. I became anorexic because I become obsessed beside wanting to have the flawless body builder figure. It's awfully easy to crash into that trap so just variety sure she has 3 to 5 nutritious meals a daylight.


yea it's fine tell her to maintain it lite until she is 16 or 17 she should be done growing by then

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If the weight lifting program is at the university and has be endorsed by them, I see no reason why your friend shouldn't tie together it.

They wouldn't let any of the teens heave too much anyhow.

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yeah that a great idea!

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For my YMCA They vote the best age to start lifting is at 16. At this age (16) You have probably quit growing so it is smaller quantity likely to tear/strain something. If your Friend is fully grown consequently sure, but be precautious. Make sure she is fit and eats in good health. I personally wouldn't. Its great she desires to stay fit, but there are other undertakings. Such as hiking, swimming, running, biking, and other fun things, and you can do them with her! :) I hope this help you!

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You can bulk lift as soon as you can but if you're worried something like stunt growth then basically don't weight lift over you shoulders and head.

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well...idk. im 13, and as a part of gym class, we spend a month consignment lifting. we are just told not to pull too much weight, otherwise they aren't concerned on wether it will ruin our vigour.

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