Ladies whats the worst thing more or less your body and whats the best thing roughly speaking your body?

I need to know am I the with the sole purpose one who something about ur body.

Just curious?

definently my mind is my favorite chunk of ,my body and my wais is my worst.

My daughter has these bumps on her (read more)?

Best: My Butt

Worst: Breasts (Too big)

My daughter who is 11 is have stomach pains every morning?

worst thing is it bleeds

best entry is it is curvy-licious

Accupuncture for pain control?

From a man perspective...I would say & thighes are the best, white meat preferably.

Hair give somebody the third degree!?

I hate have freckles on my body i think that they are unexpected but, i think the best body slice on me is my butt!

Can masturbation done by woman affects her cervical health or something?

Best: my butt and legs

What im not thrilled with: waist, would love a really trim little 6 pack!

Has any one gone for a d&c after a miscarrage?

Best: my boobs (considering I've have 4 kids)
Worst: Everything else

Why do I feel that when citizens see me that only see my chest?

i don't own a "worst" thing or a "best" piece but i get the most compliments on my body and i guess the smallest on my face or the path i dress. if i cared more around fashion after i might be prettier but yea i dunno thats it i guess i dunno why i'm typing alot. boredom i guess lol sorry.

New IUD?

I have great abs but i don't approaching my thighs/butt.

When I drink soda I feel as if I am getting a bladder infection.?

Definately the best article is my husband says "they stir all the instrument up"!lol
The worst, I think, is my belly. It's not without blemish flat and I don't like it! Guess that's the price you take-home pay for having kids!

I desperately want bigger breasts.?

I contemplate my butt/thighs are my best feature
My worst would be my arms..they seem too lubricant or something I don't know what it is but I hate them

72 hour PILL?

my BIG a** and thighs!!...OMG

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