Girls I hold a examine??
Answers: They should reach their crest in growth at around 18 or 19. That's average, and depending on your horomones, you could already be done. I would see a doctor to fashion sure your horomones are in check.
Breasts can be influenced by abundant factors. If you've gain a lot of substance, that could be why. Also, they can be effected if you're on the pill.
WOW! You enjoy definately hit a growth spurt. I would say they will be done growing when you are around 18, but my guess is hopefully they are done immediately. Mine quit growing about 16 or so I dream up. But of course they started growing again when I get pregant and fat. They are support down to normal very soon. They will be done growing probably when you turn 18. k nothing to verbs about i want big breast resembling you not a a34