What do you appointment...?
Answers: woo ha ha
My mother in law call it a little clam.ewwww!
when my boyfriend is around me and wants to own sex i be like "oh baby, what you want some of this "right thang", i mean that's what i call it, partially of my family calls it "tail". don't know why!
Contraception: How does implanon affect your interval?
Vagina, Mrs. Vagina to you.zilch...used to call it winky until i saw some sweets called winkies :L x
When will my 3rd interval come?
Kittyi utter couchy or va-jay-jay
What happen if a girl get anal?
i call it a poo-nanny. lol. my best friend calls her a who-hazz
Side effects beside the Mirena IUD...?
WueVag or "the c-word".
i name it my ... nothing i dont talk going on for it
My twinkie.
Bloody bed!! (not murder)?
Is she going through menopause?
Is it ok to wear sports bras adjectives the time?