Can girls capture pregnant if it is their first time?


How can u tell if a girl..?

Girls are competent to get pregnant after their first spell.SO if your first time is before your first interval then no you wont achieve pregnant.

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Definitely. Girls can even gain pregnant if they haven't even had their first time of year yet, so cause sure you use a condom.

Leg and back niggle during menstruation (girls only; guys, don't be jerk and click on this)?

of course

Help Please!!?

Yep, just as smoothly if it were the 1001st time

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why did u do this to an innocent girl..



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most definitly even if you pull out formerly you ejaculate you can still get pregnant due to pre-

Been on birth control for 3 months. Missed a pill on monday, and have unprotected sex Tues. Could I be prego?

wow, i certainly hope you aren't thinking roughly speaking having sex if you can't even answer that yourself. hang about, wait, linger. wait until you are married.

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YES AND YES have u never be 2 a sex ed class b4

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I got of birthcontrol pills 2 months ago, and still no spell!?

Yes as the first question, women can achieve pregnant without even have sex, transfer or sperm can seize you pregnant. You have to other use protection, birth control to be on the safe side.

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Yep, unless she's comatose when you bang her. In which valise pregnancy is the least of your worries.

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if you dont know the answer to this should NOT be have sex.

Of course they can

How to help her?

the answer is yes any time any where on earth ever where

Ok am i 2 big?

Yes time its adjectives it takes . smaller quantity chance if u used that condum...

What is the best tampon to use?

Yes! solely thing is that it should be their 12th to 18th morning of cycle. Otherwise it is little difficult to get pregnant if the correct days are not chosen. Rest consult your gyne for further details of exact details of date.

Is this really bad?

Anything is possible, thats why out of danger sex is so important. No one is exempt from the risk of pregnancy and STD's.

The copper intrauterin device (iud), does it motive problems with your menstrual cycle?

This cross-question is the age old one guys want to deny from the daybreak of time.. answer is : YES..
and, the results of can last a lifetime..

Implanon (Etonogestrel Implant)?

yes is true as you do not when the eggs will e linger for the sperm in the uterus

Have you see the trojan condom ad?


Is in attendance a way you can stop your time of year from comming on for a day?

of course! is she over 18? take care!

A question for women next to smelly feet.?


I hold an odd question-when my boyfriend and I own sex I bleed and don't know why?

first time huh?.which side? ;-)


Yes, a girl can get pregnant if it is her first time have sex. It is a common myth among teens that she won't. The medical way of looking at it is that if a girl have gotten her first period, her body is already releasing eggs, and if she have sex (first, second, fifteenth... any time) and the sperm and egg come together, she will get pregnant.
If you ARE going to have sex, don't assume that she won't gain pregnant. Always use protection. If you are going to become sexually active and are embarassed to verbalize to anyone about it, you can other go to PLAN PARENTHOOD for condoms or question.

Ovarian cysts?

Absolutely. It happens relatively often. If you are not all set to be a FATHER, you need to abstain. Even taking precautions are not full proof. Read the label!!

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