How do i make my legs stop burning after i enjoy dry shaved?


First gyno visit tomorrowNERVOUS?

do not dry shave. that is to say damaging your skin and introductory it up to infection, hence the PAIN. if you've already done this, rub in some natural aloe vera which have no alcohol or chemicals so it won't burn and is very soothing to skin.

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apply lotion to them :)
or aloe vera,both will work

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put moistizers on your leg after

or don't dry shave it's better

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You need to put lotion on it!

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don't dry shave. :]

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Don't dry shave. And if the solution be to be "put lotion on them" at least put the lotion on first and shave next to that.

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Do not shave dry! You have razor burn. It is harder for the blade to glide when it is getting caught on adjectives of the dry skin and hairs OUCH

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please dont dry shave that will create razor burn and ingrown fuzz.use lotion to shave its better than shaving cream and soap.And ur legs look and feel great afterward.

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UNSCENTED lotion or aloe. The perfume in the aromatic lotions may add to the burning. If it is really really fruitless you can also use creams made for diaper rash. Good luck and please ... don't dry shave anymore.

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use shaving cream to inaugurate with and an after shave for ladies

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Lotion, might burn alittle more but, it'll move about away.

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Try to avoid dry shaving. As you prominently know it's not comfortable. Plus you're more likely to nix yourself.

If you can't avoid it engineer sure you put lotion on and keep applying it over the following days.

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