How is this for a banquet plan and exercise routine?

breakf: small bowl of special K cereal, 1banana, half of complete wheat bagel with lite cream cheese + peanut b, 2 eggs beside only 1 yolk scrambled, and a small cup of pure cranberry liquid

snack: some type of fruit or a yogurt/granola bar

Lunch: complete wheat spaghetti with spaghetti sauce and shrimp or baked salmon beside veggies

snack: popcorn or some fruit or some nuts

Dinner: garden salad(different types of lettuce, red cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, radish, cucumber, 3 colors of bell pepper, sliced almonds, lite dressing)

Also i'll be drinking plenty of water surrounded by between, and making different kinds of lunches, but i want to munch through only salad for dinner, and i will be doing 30min of cardio MWFS mornings and night, and on TThr nights i will be lifting small weights, doing sit-ups, and squats, etc, and on sunday i will rest, i want to lose 60lbs, contained by a few months, so if i stay on this path will i be capable of lose it

Answers:    This looks pretty good - I'm a short time ago going to make a few points for you:

1) Watch that you drink lone 100% juice NOT from concentrate. Much better for you, smaller amount sugar, etc. Don't have more than 6-8 oz per hours of daylight.

2) Yogurt/granola bars - monitor the sugar content, the fat content, the sodium content and the calories, contained by that order. Granola/yogurt bar are touted as "healthy" for some reason, but most aren't at adjectives.

If you mean "yogurt" as within a container of yogurt, then receive low fat, not curvy free. Fat free is much higher surrounded by sugar - in certainty, nearly all tubby free products are higher contained by sugar than their low fat counterparts (it's to spawn up for the lack of morsel due to the lack of hefty.) Stick with low podginess, not fat free, next to as many foods as you can.

3) You're incomplete protein in your plan, which is really going to get you ravenous! Eating a moment ago salad for dinner is NOT recommended at smallest throw in some baked or broiled chicken breast.

Eggs are a great source of protein (as within your breakfast) but you need some at lunch and dinner, too. Nuts as a snack are OK but are dignified in solid so don't have them as a snack EVERY afternoon.

Healthy protein examples:
- peanut butter (low fat/cal if possible - 2 T)
- chicken, no skin, broiled, boiled, poached or baked
- fish (most kinds) prepared as above
- eggs (Egg Beaters that come surrounded by a pourable carton are great)

Pork and beef are higher within fat and sodium - own them prepared as above but no more than 1-3 times/ week.

Seasonings: mustard and salsa contain very little contained by the way of calories and flabby, so use them to flavor foods. Vinegar, low fat (not non fleshy!) dressings, spices and herbs and seasoning blends that DO NOT contain sodium are great too (like Mrs. Dash.) Get some Morton's Lite Salt - it taste like regular brackish but has smaller number sodium.

Above all else, CHECK PORTION SIZES! You can munch through the healthiest food in the world, but if you're ingestion too much, you'll never lose.

Good luck!
I think it sounds approaching a good conception =] Very healthy choices!

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