Can you discern the IUD threads during sex?

I am considering getting a copper IUD inserted and would like to know if my husband will quality the threads when we're being intimate?

Guys whistle? Why?

I wouldn't go near an IUD if I were you. I have one once and my periods be sooo painful that I have to take it out. I be told the pain be there because the IUD if truth be told aborts an "already conceived child" and that cause more pain than purely a normal time of year. I would go beside Depo. More reliable and no periods!

What's the side effects of the Depo shot?

once within a while I do. no big deal.

Dizzy Spells And a Headache for 3 daysdiagnose me please.?

ask a doctor

Is it a standard distance? The length between the two holes contained by all type of women?

Rarely, my husband say.

What a way to start the time with valentines tomorrow. Can someone oblige?

firs of are IUD threads...and probably not if they are underneath the skin

Please help next to ASCUS test results?

Your husband will discern it for a couple of weeks but then he will become with ease used to them and neither of you will know it is there!! But you might wanna opt for the plactic coil as the copper one react in dependable women and causes infections, in recent times ask the mrs!!

My doctor!!?

not usually, when i hd sex with my husband, he said he didn't surface a thing, exept for me, and love

How can the spiritual vibrations in the vaginal nouns be explained?

No. but do be careful to seize it checked by a doctor regularly.
Mine sort of got friendly next to my body and embedded itself, so I have to be anaethetised to remove it.
But it's better than most other contraceptives, I believe.

White stuff in my underwear?

It's ordinary, not every man feels it.But i expect i prefer that to all the rest.


Just to agree to you know I got an IUD two years ago 6 six weeks after giving birth to my little girl and it punctured my uterus and go through it was a moment ago floating around inside me I had to hold liproscopic surgery to get it out so make conversation to you Doctor about the risks of this arranged to you my Dr said 1 in 10'000 unlucky me but mind.

After the sexual contact can a girl get pregnant?

my girl frind have one and i hardly teem it but it fills worthy when i tuch it it makes me imbue good

Seriously, what is that white stuff on my vagina?

1st of adjectives the IUD does not cause abortions! HUGE MYTH!

Now your huband may surface the strings more in the begining since they arent to flexible yet. HOWEVER you can wrap them around your cervix rite back intercourse they will come down every once in a while but with your own body secretion and semen the strings soften a bit bit and will be able to stay wrapped around your cervix most of the time.

Paraguard is knowns for cause sligltly heavy and crampier period BUT its hormone free which is good. You a moment ago want to make sure your not allergic to cooper similar to the previous psoter stated

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