My Girlfiend is in arrears on her Period.?

okay, sorry but the title is graphic and i couldnt think of another track to put it, but anyway, my girlfriend told me today she hasnt come on, and shes due on today, but im pretty sure that shes not pregnant, when we do have.. Yeah you know what i mean, i other check the condom after and its always fine, so im confused, please help.

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period dont always come on the same daylight every month. they can be off soemtimes. if she doesnt start within a week she requirements to take a pregnancy test to be sure consequently go to the doctor.

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Periods will change throughout theyears. Like, for a year or so she could enjoy it on the first of the month then itll change. When it change it can cause her to miss one. Also if she was stressing nearly being pregnant it can throw off her length, along with stress and other factors.

On the contrary, do you know your the individual one shes physical with?

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Give her a couple of days. Today isnt over, she could still start tonite.
Giver her another week or so.

So im 17 and enjoy have my time since i be 13 and it just comes 3-4x a that majority?

its normal if shes a couple days overdue but still condoms arent 100% safe! wait a couple weeks and steal a test!

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could be stress related..if it is really late, a trip to the doctor would be within order

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