Dizzy Spells And a Headache for 3 days...diagnose me please.?

For the past three days i enjoy felt fine but occasionally i catch dizzy for about 10 second then im fine. And i own a terrible headache. (cant be pregnant get tubes tied) any ideas?

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Hard to diagnose, it could be various things.. but I'd definitely check to build sure you're drinking enough sea. It's been thaw all over and general public are getting heat nouns. Also.. not sure if you're a caffeine drinker, but if you are, you should either ween yourself past its sell-by date of caffeine (and you'll experience bad headache this way too), or curb yourself to a little caffeine a afternoon, so you don't go through subtraction.

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Could be sinus pressure, could be a brain tumor. I would suggest seeing the doctor.

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Veritgo.. You could have fluid within your ears etc. Have you had a flu or be around someone who has?

I own had equal problems but mine have gone on for 3 weeks. I have the flu for 1 1/2 and then it turned to veritgo. Usually you newly have to move really slowly when you hold it and take a allergy med to give a hand with the dizzy spells and some headache med... Good luck

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First of all, you'd better walk to the doctor.

I'm NOT a doctor.but it could be your blood sugar. Or, it may have something to do beside your headache. More questions in the region of your headache and other symptoms needs to be asked for a proper diagnosis.


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I always associate dizziness next to anemia, because that's what happened to me. If you hold any other symptoms, that might help pinpoint the problem. I also surface weak and headachy if I don't devour properly, or if I've had sugar.

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