Is it a standard distance? The length between the two holes in all type of women?

I suggest, every two females share one ruler to save both stuff and time.

How can u lose wieght and FAST??

The distance between the two nostril holes are different for everybody.

And the same ruler be used for all men right?

I'm disappointed in myself for wasting an answer on a put somebody through the mill such as this!

Can a uti make you sting down nearby and leak urine?please oblige ?

No, it varies. Like bowling ball.

Had mirena coil fitted 1 week ago, got sore breast?

what does your interview mean? does it hold to do with golf?

On a clean birth controlweird period. do you mull over they're working?

they're all different... similar, but different

Why are womens sex drives stronger at that time of the month ? And that seem unfair?

The same distance the upper air between your ears is!

How do I report a doctor to the Colorado medical board or any other board for that matter?

Men hold two holes, women have 3.

You enjoy a lot to cram here, starting with the reality that no two people are alike.

I'm bleedingbut I'm not on my interval?

Ummm, women have three holes.

Have you ever gotten a migraine when have an orgasm?

oh God, you are soooooo disgusting and disrespectful

I BEG U so much 2 hlep me rite now?

Every women is close duplicate distance, but you will get your anomalies very soon and then.

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