What's the side effects of the Depo shot?

I am currently on the Depo shot and have be for about a month. I've notice that I am alot more moodier, have gain some weight, and I even loose a small amount of spike each time I pocket a shower. Not to mention my sex drive is slacking alot.

What other types of birth control do you women suggest other than the shot? What features of BC has the tiniest amount of side effects? Thanks ladies!

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i HIGHLY recomment trying Mirena and getting rotten depo. Its a joke. Only 97% effectual and it makes you chubby?! Not worth it! I have 6 friends who tried depo. ALL of them gain A LOT of weight. 4 of them get prego. One of them has twins AND triplets conceived while on depo, no prank!

Mirena IUD
Most effective form of birth control on the marketplace. Even more effective than have your tubes tied!
Safest! Least risk of side effects.
Lasts for 5 years. Can get it taken out at any time and your fertility returns to regular right away. Or you can get a unsullied one inserted when your 5 years are up.
After a year of use, can shorten and lighten your period, or some women stop having period totally! Yay!
No human error factor, like the pill, condoms, patch, etc.
Ask your doctor in the order of it.

Often, doctors recommend things like the shot because it make them more money and not because it is your best option. Do some research on mirena. You do NOT own to be on a birth control that does all those horrible things to you! Good luck!

PS: dont obtain the other kind of IUD. It last longer, but isnt as safe or as effectual.

If you dont want to get Mirena, progress with the Nuva Ring. It is the second most influential and safe. Plus really effortless to use.

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I'm a nurse and used to work within womens health. We once in a while gave depo and strongly advise women not to use it. It puts you into an early menopause-like state. Your bones enfeeble, your skin loses elasticity, hair falls out, can enjoy spotting on a regular basis. This is some fruitless stuff. There is a patch that you change once a week. A ring that is to say inserted into the vagina and stays there for 3 weeks. You can pinch pills and if you want, your pills can be worked so that you only hold 4 periods a year.
You necessitate to make sure you pocket large amounts of calcium, vitamin D and a devout multivitamin if on the depo. Get regular exercise to keep bones strong.
As for side effects, the patch and the ring seem to be to have the fewest.

Womans warning please.?

The one i have is the IUD and it last for 5 to 8 years depending on what kind you attain. Some women have flimsy periods or non at adjectives. Ive had mine for 4 years and ive have NO side effects. no period and no babies surrounded by my tummy.I was on Depo for a year and didnt resembling it cause of the side effects it have. So i would consider getting the IUD. Here is what i have.Mirena!

Good lord.everytime i ask a give somebody the third degree in mens condition about something it say its a violation?

Depo-Provera can rationale a number of side effects, including:

Irregular menstrual period, or no periods at adjectives
Changes in appetite
Weight gain
Excessive growth of facial and body hair
Hair loss
Loss of bone mineral density

Most of the side effects are not adjectives. Change in the menstrual cycle is the most adjectives side effect. You may experience irregular bleeding or spotting. After a year of use, about 50% of women will stop getting their period. Their periods usually return when they discontinue the shots.

Birth Control beside the least amount of side effects:

Diaphragm- a diaphragm is a round piece of flexible rubber near a rigid rim. Before intercourse, the diaphragm is placed in the vagina against the cervix. The diaphragm prevents semen from entering the womb. Spermicide should always be used next to a diaphragm.

Sponge- the sponge is a form of birth control used by women. It is a small, donut-shaped device that is coated beside spermicide.

Cervical Cap- the cervical cap (FemCap) is a thimble-shaped cup made out of durable silicone stuff that fits snugly over the cervix.

Cervical Shield- Lea's Shield is a one-size-fits all cup shaped device approximately like peas in a pod size of the diaphragm. There is a valve on it explicitly designed to create a suction during insertion to help it fit against the cervix.

Vaginal Contraceptive Film- is a paper-thin translucent picture that contains a spermicide.

Rhythm Method- a woman practices rhythm, or natural relatives planning, by learning to spot the days she is fertile, and not having sex beforehand and during those days. The rhythm method does not work for all couples. Women who own regular menstrual cycles and who are very assiduous about when they enjoy sex usually find it to be effective. Women who hold irregular cycles and who are not so careful normally end up becoming pregnant.

What could transpire when you are doing sex and your on your period?

I am one of a small portion that own no adverse side effects from the ortho evra patch. I love it. I never foget to change it because you can see it and it reminds you.

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when i be on the depo shot i experienced weight gain, bitchyness, cramps around the time my time of year should have started even though i wasnt have them, and i dont remember what else. i went sour of it after a year because i was approach too bitchy that i couldnt even handle myself. the pill have little side effects and it also greatly reduces cramps and you enjoy lighter periods. as long as you remember to filch them AT THE SAME TIME EVERY DAY you should be fine.

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