White stuff in my underwear?

Well i own like clear gooey manner of stuff in my lower than wear and it feels resembling i wet my pant a little bit but i didnt. i know it happenes everyday. economically not like every light of day but mostly. i almost have to convert my underwear 3 times in a time and it bugs me. just please share me why i get this. am i close to my time of year. well if u probably know when im going to hold my period could u enlighten me. thank u because i am worried. i have be having this since resembling january or when school agree to out. around april or may. thanks !

Why did my interval stop?

every girl will probaly have it its probaly grounds ur about to star ur peroid.dont listen to the other race its not an std.hope it helped

A quiz about ovulation?

I don;t know much, I'm a guy... Hehe. But coiuld it be dry skin or irritation fomr a body soap or toilet weekly pieces? Sorry if I'm not much help. Best of luck.

Is it okay for males resembling me to wear tampon or sanitary pack?

you may have a yeast infection...it could also be usual discharge. see a doctor for an exam...if you have have sex it could be an STD...you can wear pantyliners and change them during the light of day. you will feel fresher and not own to change undies so normally

Do female problems tend to run surrounded by families?

It might facilitate if you'd said how old you be. You could be close to the start of your cycle. Does the discharge have any odor? do you hold any pains that come with it? You could try wearing a pantyliner to put aside on the laundry.

Ovarian Cyst resolved, but still in discomfort?

ask your doctor. try wearing a pantyliner, may help some.

Are nipples discharge some sort of pallid thick solution occasionally in a short time amount normal ?

yuck,ask your mom to buy you some panty liner to wear for this.I have never hear of anyone having this.Are you sexually involved?Could it be an std?

Is it really hard?

well i surmise you should buy some panty liners that bearing you dont have to progress your underwear so often. instinctively i think you could be close to your extent, but if it is happening pretty often later maybe its something else. enjoy you considered asking your doctor about it?if i think you should.. it seem to be bothering you and a doctor could probably give you a clear answer.
=) dutiful luck


This discharge is normal, as long as in attendance is no associated odor or discomfort. It indicates that you are ovulating.

Is abortion right or wrong and why?

it's cervical mucus, girls start producing it about a year or 2 back they get their first spell. It's normal, adjectives women get it, it process your producing estrogen. some people might narrate you it the vaginas way of cleaning itself out, but it's not. If it be, you would have get it before immediately, you didn't just adjectives of a sudden become very dirty did you? No. It's that your bodies gotten to the point where on earth it's preparing itself for sexual activity and if you be dry down there and a guy tried to hold sex with you you could be seriously injured. When you finally do achieve your periods, you will become aware of that you produce even more of that stuff at ovulation, about in the middle between periods. You also produce more of it when you find turned on(sexually aroused) but you always produce some amount no business what.

Calling ONLY Doctors or lab technicians?

Different Types of Discharge

White: Thick, white discharge is common at the origination and end of your cycle. Normal white discharge is not accompany by itching. If itching is present, thick white discharge can indicate a yeast infection.

Clear and stretchy: This is "fertile" mucous and system you are ovulating.

Clear and watery: This occur at different times of your cycle and can be particularly stout after exercising.

Yellow or Green: May indicate an infection, especially if thick or clumpy similar to cottage cheese or has a foul odor.

Brown: May surface right after periods, and is in recent times "cleaning out" your vagina. Old blood looks brown.

Spotting Blood/Brown Discharge: This may occur when you are ovulating/mid-cycle. Sometimes precipitate in pregnancy you may own spotting or a brownish discharge at the time your period would generally come. If you have spotting at the time of your middle-of-the-road period a bit than your usual amount of flow, and you have have sex without using birth control, you should check a pregnancy examination.

Do guys use pantiliners?

I take it you hold never had a spell yet? One of the precipitate signs of approaching puberty is getting a clearish or whitish discharge from your vagina. It is perfectly run of the mill unless
1) It turns other funky colors.
2) Has a foul, rotten odor to it (many women don't like the commonplace smell of the discharge, don't worry if you don't similar to it).
3) The discharge turns to a "cottage cheese" like consistency.

Any of those might be determined a yeast infection, which can hit any woman at any age, whether or not she has have her period or is sexually live. You'll need to see an OB/Gyn doc if you consider it might be an infection.

You might want to get pantyliners or minipads to oblige control the flow. Don't use tampons to stop it because that discharge is helping to clean out bad for you bacteria from your vagina. Many girls find that the discharge decrease over time, but for right now, it is Mother Nature's method of saying Welcome to Womanhood... :-)
Ed, RN

Note: It collectively means your first extent will be soon, like in a year, but more likely a few months...

Pantyliners are amazingly thin pad you wear inside the crotch of your underwear. They stick in place with an glue strip (on the panty, not your skin). A step up are mini-pads and from there you take into regular sanitary napkins. They are there to capture discharge like yours (and overdue the blood from your period) and are a lot easier to silver than carrying a few sets of undies with you... Tell your mom almost the discharge... She went through this too!

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No need to verbs. Just as long as it's not itchy and doesn't smell like a rotten fish and the discharge doesn't look resembling cottage cheese to green discharge you are fine. This means that you are in the order of to ovulate and it will get stickier and stickier. The more stickier your discharge get, the chance of reproduction increases and it ability your fertile. If reproduction doesn't occur later more than likely a length will come.

What are all the symptoms of getting your time?

Oh that is without a flaw normal! I remember showing the institution nurse when I was 10 because I be freaked out. I think I started have that discharge about 6-9 months formerly I started getting my period. There be a book they had us read call "Growing Up and Liking It." I know it sounds lame, but it had greatly of useful information in near. Because during those premenstrual years, and even afterwards, we girls are too scared or ashamed to ask the right questions.

As far as that book go, I read it a little over 20 years ago. I looked it up online and they don't put it out anymore, but it's available on a website. Here's the bit about vaginal secretion:

Vaginal Secretions

Educator Overview
Students may worry unnecessarily roughly speaking the normal vaginal discharge that repeatedly begins at puberty. This subsection provides explanations of middle-of-the-road, healthy discharge and information on when a physician should be consulted.

Beginning at puberty, girls may instigate to notice a slight secretion or discharge from the vagina. Since adolescents are notably sensitive to the changes occurring in their bodies, they will want to know if these secretion are normal.
Normal vaginal secretion, resulting from increased hormone levels within the blood, are experienced by most females. The amount and appearance of the secretions rise and fall. After menstruation, the discharge may appear as a sticky white or clear substance. Around the time of ovulation, it becomes more many and slippery in appearance, close to raw egg white.

Vaginal secretion explicitly excessive or discolored, that has an unusually strong or filthy odor, and/or that is accompany by burning, itching, or irritation may indicate that a problem exists. She should tell her parent and see her family unit physician.

Here's the website where I found that. It's ridiculous to navigate, but if you click on subject index or site map you can read roughly speaking different subjects.

Welcome to womanhood, and good luck!

Strange period?

its called vaginal dishcharge... after you carry it for about 6 months theenn you might get hold of your perios or you should.its part of growing up or ..resourcefully your body(:

Can Periods?

This is normal! its call discharge if u haven't had your extent yet its probably a sign that you are going to hold you're period soon. if this discharge is clear its fine and majority...
try wearing a pantyliner it would keep you from have to change your underwear similar to 3 times a day and i read that ur 11 and u don't know what a pantyliner is resourcefully its like a wipe .. if you don't know what a pad is . you should confer to your mom more often bout this stuff... i hope i help...Good luck! =]

Is the BAR(birth control)100% effective!?

It's without fault normal to see some vaginal discharge in your underwear even formerly you first start menstruating. That's your bodys way of cleansing itself, clearing out mature skin cells and such. You'll even sense that the discharge changes throughout the month (especially if you are already have periods); sometimes it will be thicker and sometimes thin and liquid. It's usually thinnest during the middle of your menstrual cycle (about 2 weeks after the start of your period) when you are ovulating. The thinner discharge makes it easier for sperm to take through to the egg if you were trying to grasp pregnant. Having said that, I am NOT saying that have the thicker "jelly" like discharge will protect you from pregnancy, it won't! Just giving you some information.
Unless you are notice any pain, itchiness, flush or bad smell from that discharge, it's without blemish normal. Hope that ease your mind a bit! :)

Slightly Anemic and trying to conceive..Will this affect my chances?

normal, your probobly going on for to start your period.

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