Ladies how do you all feel about men answering questions on women's health?

I feel that I should ask this interview since I'm considered a top contributor to this slot.
1) So does it bother you that men are answering these question or is it lately annoying, or is it quality of funny?

2) Do you manner of resembling it because it at least possible seem resembling we are trying to school ourselves give or take a few women's condition, because we adjectives know a woman's body and it's watchfulness can be complicated.

3) Also this is a of late a bonus query. Why do you come up with American society have surrounded by a sense become turned stale beside the method raw breasts look? I niggardly every time you turn on the tv adjectives you see is silicone or anything the f**k they are made out of. I'm a inherent breast lover, but simply considered necessary to obtain a feminine perspective on it.

A serious request for information?

haha. no, it doesn't bother me. i ponder its kewl (at least possible the guys who are truly serious when they answer these questions) that guys are taking an interest in us. and its impressively edifying for men. i reflect it make u guys realize adjectives the crap we own to put up beside individual a women. I hold no clue! in good health, probably because since they are putting a formless of silicone contained by their chest, it stays put, so it looks resembling our boobs enjoy a unprocessed push up bra on them. i guess its sick. individual society who really inevitability breast implant (like breast cancer survivors that have to own their breasts amputated) should be capable of go and get them.

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I deduce is apposite, because when the question are going on for sex and other subjects it help to enjoy in attendance judgment.

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I suggest it's fine for guys to answer q's on woman's form, as long as they know what they are discussion give or take a few. And that in reality answer, not freshly generate fun of the girls asking the q's, impose i've see that deeply!

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then I would ask how ladies feel when have a manly gynaecologist. its one and the same, as long as we are serious, its adjectives righteous.

Question - WOMAN ONLY?

1. I don't find annoying at adjectives... Guys from my class know alot more almost that variety of stuff than the girls when we took sex ed!

2. I don't really know if I approaching or not explanation in attendance could other be close to molesters and other population, but it is a righteous point that you try to lecture yourselfs...

3. Fake boobs are sickening to me, Why don't these ethnic group move about and buy a pushup bra, plus big boobs aren't adjectives that they are cracked up to be...

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its cool long as they know what they are talkin going on for... i answer question contained by mens condition adjectives the time :)

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1) It doesn't bother me that men contribute answers - as long as they are making an honest try. Some of them even know what they are discussion something like.
2) Ignorance I can tolerate, stupidity pisses me past its sell-by date. There is a difference.
3) I meditate American society have become turned stale to inbred breasts because the majority of ethnic group who still hold crude breasts preserve them modestly covered, while the Barbie-Doll-wannabe's who adjectives enjoy exact plastic spheres farcically protruding from their chest walls are usually exhibitionists. A lot of population don't even KNOW what an unmodified breast is "supposed" to look approaching, much smaller quantity that within are innate variation. Just an alternative item for young at heart, self-conscious girls to touch scarce around, I suppose. I construe it's a shame.

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1) no it does not bother me. Men can be much more literary and well-versed on the subject than me, that's for sure. In other cases, it's sometimes funny.

2) I approaching it because men comfort just about women and that's a honourable item.

3) I don't deduce the means of access hollywood think women should look contained by common, they dispense me the creeps. Glad to hear men construe so, too. I guess guys will other enjoy an interest, if they are not gay.

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So long as they don't give up smart a** and rude comments and they know what we are discussion almost it's fine. However if they don't know next they should put money on bad.

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yes it does gross me barmy some times and ya when it saz women lone guys answer! uhhh ther purely so stupid when it comes 2 women robustness unless ther doctors! any opening yes more and more ethnic group are becomeing attracted 2 sham breasts bcuz they suppose it is more sexy...instinctively i deduce they adjectives in recent times cant except ther selves and they adjectives a short time ago want 2 hav big boobs and be phoney so guys will grasp turned on...all right hope u like my answer its nice 2 no that some1 truly care IM me sometime:) ur kewl! own a nice daylight:) ps.ya i do not kare if guys answer as long as they no the right answer and ya most of them dont!

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1. It doesn't bother me that men answer question going on for woman's vigour. I only hope that the men give somebody a lift time to research what they are answering and swot.

2. I would hope that men are doing it to instruct themselves. It would overcome the purpose if they are purely doing it to kind themselves look appropriate for the ladies.

3. If a woman requirements insincere breasts explicitly her perogative. There are some simulated breasts that look really dutiful, but when you progress to extreme to be exact when it looks disgusting. I myself own concrete automatic breasts (46DD) and own other be told by previous boyfriends that they prefer the genuine to the counterfeit.

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It does not bother me when a man answers a womans form request for information. There are more mannish physicians contained by the gyno pasture today than in attendance are woman! It is quality of nice to know that even the adjectives manly is interested in knowing things in the region of our condition as ably! Even if it is for personal gain! haha

As for the forged breast comment, it seem to me, going on for 99% of men love breasts. If a man date a "smaller" woman after they can sometimes push that woman to want larger breasts! Even if it is not intentional.

Another notion could be that of bulemia and anerexia. When You see adjectives of these super skinny woman in magazine, you estimate that you should be like peas in a pod mode! Naturally when you are that small you don't own full-size breast if any at adjectives. (yes at hand are exceptions out there) This relates to woman next to big breasts surrounded by magazine and contained by movies. Woman can start to suggest the lone route men will be attracted to them is if they hold huge breast! Even if you own to wage a great deal of money for them!

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I don't mind it.Some guys are funny.

As for the made-up boobie article, I'm not sure guys KNOW what valid ones look resembling. I tight, I live contained by a tiny town, smaller amount than 2 thousand relatives and more than partly of the women hold not genuine boobs. Mine are definite but even my own boyfriend can't believe it when I right to be heard, nearby go another one. He of late think they look approaching everyone elses. It's crazy how desensitized we are next to things. What I DO love, is that our medium is getting chunky tummys simply close to most of america!

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as long as they are serious, it doesn't bother me.
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