After the sexual contact can a girl draw from pregnant?


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What type of sexual contact are you talking something like? If his penis is anywhere near your vagina, even if you're in recent times rubbing through underwear, yes, you can get pregnant.

That's why it's incredibly meaningful to use two forms of protection at all times. I be going to the pill, or similar contraceptive device, and a condom.

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penis anywhere near vagina in need protection=possibility of pregnancy

Help por favor?

you really need to outline "sexual contact"
eating out, blo.wjobs and finger f.ucking are adjectives sexual contact, but you cant get pregnant from them
if youre chitchat about acutal sex, to be precise the dumbest question ever; obviously you can get pregnant from sex!!

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First bad, after reading the first person's cannot win pregnant from guy's penis rubbing the outside of your underwear. Are you kidding me? Do you realize adjectives the elements that sperm have to acquire through inside your vagina (acid, temperature, time, etc.), sperm don't enjoy superhero powers, they can't live through your underwear, and then live through everything else to get hold of to your cervix and up through that.

If his penis goes inside of you, afterwards yes, you can get pregnant. Use protection, condoms are a must. Having another form of birth contorl can oblige your from getting pregnant as well.

Other sexual contact, such as his finger, or you giving him a **, and what not, cannot get hold of your pregnant.

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