For My Little Sister..?

My little sister is 15 and her boyfriend is 16. She just found out she is pregnant and told me and unambiguously her boyfriend. The only entry is I don't know what to tell her. Her and her boyfiend really want to hold the baby and endow with it up for adoption since they are both strongly against abortions. But in Wisconsin the legal age of consent is 16. So my cross-question is what should I advise her to do? If her academy found out wouldn't they report him then because she is below legal age, and if so what would arise to him? Their main concern right very soon is if he would go to incarcerate or not because she can't handle this alone. So if anyone have any info or any good sites to look at please agree to me know so I can help my sister breed the best decision.

Breast expansion?

First, most states have an exception contained by the underage law that if both kids are inside 2-3 years of each other, they're excepted from the underage directive.

I admire their anti-abortion stance, and their sense of giving the baby up for adoption, realize they're too young to knob this.

I hope your parents are supportive. Your sister is going to need them. As a Dad, I'd give the name it a stupid mistake of bad verdict, but then ensure she get the proper care during her pregnancy. I hope your folks touch the same agency.

Good luck!

How can i flatten my stomach in term of 5 months?

Google your state and pregancy ages and things like that, it will probally explain to you all the info.. merely google a bunch of things like that..

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He is not going to go to jail for it since he is lower than 18, however since she is so young her parents will enjoy to be involved, to actually furnish the baby up for adoption. Talk to your parents around it, and have them give the name adoption agencies in the nouns. The agencies will help you beside any matters or question you have after that.

Good luck and best wishes!

What do are these and what do they be set to?

it depends on if your parents want to pursue anything legally. i dont believe they will since he is supportive. you should enjoy nothing to verbs about. since not a soul is pressing any charges.

Are my breasts really done developing?

you could get ahold of the Salvation Army=they would put her contained by a group home for unwed moms to be and would also help her to find a worthy adopting couple as okay as help her to still do her schooling ==good luck and God bless
him mortal of age would put him in put in prison =but do the other and all should be okay=just don't relay them about the guy and bring up to date him to leave

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