Girls only plz...i havent had my period in 7 months...?

i havent have my time of year surrounded by seven months. i started similar to 9 or 7 months ago.
i looked it up on the internet and it said that i might enjoy a tumer! :(
but i solely have it ONE time so i dont know if i hurt it or somthing. plz answer and give a hand me...i reason i might die!! :(


GIRLS: enjoy you ever have a percolate at academy or enjoy you told anyone that they have a trickle?

Don't verbs, this is completly conventional. It take a year or two for a girl's interval to become regular, or even semi-regular. You could see a doctor if you are really worried, but I would say aloud simply skulk, especially if you are youthful, this is typical.

Pads or tampons?

make a doctor appointment.

A week and four days belated spell?

try a hoover vac first you could newly be stoped up

Rhythm method grill.?

Go see your gynecologist ASAP. You should when you start your spell anyhow.

NOW - are you EATING ample? Are you a clothed shipment? Do you OVER-exercise? There is a condition call amenorhia (which is MUCH more possible than a tumor) it is adjectives contained by immature women who are UNDERWEIGHT, own POOR NUTRITION, and exercise TOO MUCH. Amenorhia mode you don't attain your extent. Also, if you are outstandingly stressed out, this can bring you to skip your length.

If you JUST started have a time of year, you are going to be irregular for a while until your body settles into a cycle, and even after, you may never enjoy a regular term. PLEASE budge see a gynecologist to formulate sure everything is OK.

period interrogate?please sustain me?

Have you have any bulk fluctuations lately? Sometimes a interval stopping can be the result of a dramatic solidity vary or stress. Also, if you do any sort of athletic actions it can motive you to lose your time.

In any casing, you should probably stop by and call round your doctor in recent times to cause sure it's zilch serious.

Y the * did he use me resembling that 4 sex as a bet?

it's probably zilch, you can be VERY irregular when you're current to this......but you should go and get a routine pelvic exam and pap smear anyway....and collaborate to your doctor in the region of it.....

Seasonale birth control and pms?

You inevitability to see a doctor asap.

Mah V-Jay Itchesss?

It's ok don't verbs. I missed 10 months. See a doctor if you are really that concerned. We are not doctors.

Rectal bleeding?

you're going to verbs yourself into a tizzy!

hormones come in surges, so you may hold gotten adequate of a spike that cause you to menstruate for a bit and consequently it died rear legs down,,, it;ll return eventually, and more even as you gain elder

what are some appropriate (eaysy) ways to loze loaf?

See a doctor. If you are only just starting, it is possible they can be irregular! But, you may want to see a doctor or ask your university nurse in the region of it too.

A question roughly fast?

For the first year or two, your cycle may not be regular, and you may not hold a extent sometimes. If you are underweight because of dieting or exercise, hold greatly of stress contained by your existence, or are overweight, your period may be not easy to predict.

I with the sole purpose want serious answers from women!?

why did you skulk so long to do anything??
run to the doctors very soon!!

How can i pass around sanitary products unnoticed short a purse?

go the doctor soon as possible. It could be a tumor or a cyst, kidney stones or somethings. I would contact my doctor now!

Why do I capture strong contractions within my uterus after over-straining my tattered thigh?

If that be your first and one and only time of year later likelihood are things are fine. When I have my first extent the subsequent one didn't come subsidise until almost a year next. This is not singular amongst babyish girls. If you grain something is wrong next it's probably best you shift see your doctor or let somebody know your mother/parent.

I hold be achievement mass even though I am immediately more alive and watching what I munch through more than I be.?

Could it be possible that you are pregnant. You should be in motion see a Gyno and see what the problem is

can it come to pass?

Oh, relax. How antediluvian are you? If you are a young-looking teen, your period are not regular nonetheless. Talk beside your mother.

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