Prom, period, & hotel room assist?

I'm on the depo shot, have be since late sept, & this is the first authentic period I've gotten, & prom is tomarro. My bf is cool next to it, if I'm not too heavey & I'm not cramping we still have sex & adjectives that. (if I left it up to him, zilch would stop us.) I'm cool with useing tampons @ the prom, but I be wondering if there be anything I could do in the shower once we get to the room to slow it down. I'm wash my hair our right away (My curls is 4ft long & he pulls it), is there anything I could do in the shower to backing? We have a jacuzi contained by the room too. I'm willing to try anything, I of late don't want to stain the sheets, otherwise I wouldn't care.

If you transport the Morning after pill how long is it until you come on your period?

Everyone's flow is different, but usually its the heaviest on your first time. If you aren't bleeding terribly impossible today, chances are you won't be tomorrow. The best proposal I can give you is shorten the time you are on your feet at the prom. Physical hobby can cause your flow to be heavier. And I wouldn't suggest getting in the jacuzzi. That have the potential to be REALLY disgusting.

You can put towels down on the bed if you're worried about staining the sheets. However (and you should do this anytime you hold sex on a hotel room bed), when you check out you should let the entity at the front desk know that the sheets need to be changed. Sometimes if the sheets aren't evidently stained, housekeeping doesn't change them to recover water.

How long should the hymen bleed?

use a sh*tload of toilet broadsheet

How to change my femine personal smell?Around my vagina?

how can I say-so ewww!
although safe sex is correct. abstinence is much better!
*think more or less it!*

Why do MEN become Gynecologists?

ew u shudnt be having sex thats disgusting


Why the red spot on girl's d??colletage?

Just wash really very well. That is all I can suggest.

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Wash really well, and lay some towels down on the bed, merely in defence. If you have your own old-fashioned towels that you don't care to receive stained, I'd suggest taking them. That way you won't stain the hotel's towels.


the best counsel i can give is . rummage up some teas that help relax muscles. dance is moving and kinda like exorcising so hopefully it will sustain loosen your muscles. cramps being smaller amount noticeable or going away when muscles are loose. so try not to sit out any dance and maybe use a slightly heavier tampon. i loathe to say it but the best item i know of is to take one Motrin and one Pamprin or Midol. as for staining the sheets. bring a towel from home or something and put that lower than you on the sheets, or something. your period should slow down on its own when your contained by the shower or jacuzzi so no worries. there. Good luck and hold fun at prom !

Oops I forgot to take some of my birth control uh?

I can't feel of anything you can do in the shower. But there are some things you can do right at home.

Try sucking on lemons. There is something in the lemons that really help lighten it and shorten it. Lemon liquid doesn't work nearly as well, and lemonade doesn't relieve at all. Just use the unadulterated thing!

Some hot herbal, green teas will facilitate with the cramps.

Also, I would suggest using a sanitary napkin underneath, merely in luggage.

Did you know that those stains also come out with hose? Yep, just plain dampen. So afterwards, just bring the sheets off and soak them surrounded by some cold water first, for around 10 minutes.

Then, use hot water to shoot the germs for about 20 minutes.

Good luck, and hold fun at prom!

Guy advice?

actually your flow will stop as soon as you become aroused so you hold nothing to verbs about near the bleeding during but as soo and its over the flood gates will embark on so be prepared! Hope that helps hold fun at prom!

Why would i lost 15 pounds inches,slimer hips,butt. But my breast has gotten bigger and they are are other?

well take a WARM shower and verbs ur self really good down near with lots of thaw water and soap.put some towels on the floor or on the bed..if u cart a shower u wont bleed as much, and bring a heating wad with u and sum midol so u dont cramp!

How long as it be since your last checkup?

just do it within the shower!

I am on de pill and i dont have a time 2 bring it i jus take it whenever i take up is dis ok or bad?

You could bring your own sheets, but that's kinda deeply of work. You may get lucky and be buoyant tomorrow. But since you've already had sex, in that really is no reason you should do it purely cause it's prom. There are closely of other things you can do.

Everytime i try and have sex it hurts and i start to bleed?

Shampoo and condition ur pubies legitimate good

Can someone impart me an idea of what they will do to exam fertility?

Use Alieve, it is what the doctors used to prescribe. It works WAY better than ibuprofin (midol) as a lot of citizens's bodies are used to ibuprofin. Also, the best way I've found to slow my term down is to wear a heavy tampon (not for long though!) and after pull it and for a brief time, voila! No bleeding. I'd also bring a towel to put underneath you basically in covering. Use a red or dark colored towel.

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