Please Help.URGENT!?
MY friend is anorexic She says her stomach have been hurting adjectives day.. She have cramp.s then some chest pains later she was really dizzy and needed to sleep and now she feel like she is going to throw up. She have ate some today because , she is trying to start eating again... 7 grapes.. some rime cream...some spaghetti..and half a sandwich..What could this be going to?
Also she is only 5'0 and 83 pounds

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when you enjoy not kept any thing on you stomach for a long spell of time your stomach shrinks, and when you do eat it tries to reject the food.
it is best to start out slow, beside nutritional liquids, my favorite after a long vigorous has other been V8.

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I saw this cross-question earlier...only ask ur parents or something to check her out or take ger to an emergency room seriously! You appearently dont know much something like this...she could die..

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wow , tell her parents she might not be well about it but when she get better she'll thank you. If you let it walk she could die. Its good that she is trying to munch through encourage her to preserve trying.Thats what good friends do.

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Your friend could own an electrolyte imbalance, which is adjectives in anorexics and can be thoroughly serious. She should be checked by a doctor right away.

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Her digestive system probably isn't use to her drinking this much. It's not much, but to her it probably is. Also, eating things sour, such as the grapes and spaghetti sauce were probably more irritating to her stomach. Your friend desires professional medical help. Be a friend to her, and buoy her to get the relieve she needs. She's not going to be capable of do this on her own by trying to eat. Because she will surface like this, next she will not want to eat any more. This is an ailment. If she had diabetes, pneumonia, a broken leg...she would see a doctor. This is an virus just as the others are. Don't preach to her, newly tell her that you love her and are concerned and want her to get hold of the help she deserves. Good luck to your friend, she's already lucky to hold you with her though.

Alesse aid!?

Maybe she pregnant she needs to travel a doctor I'm just guessing transport back please.

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You nouns young, if she lives at home nickname her parents. The chest pains are a good cause to be concerned, eating nil is really hard on your heart. I reflect she has eat enough today, but the injure could already be done. If she has to brisk she should be drinking juice and milk. Weather you can return with her other help or not, Pray for her.


It sounds similar to she is really dehydrated - those are adjectives symtoms. But, they are also symptoms of many other things and it could be something much worse - approaching heart complications, etc. Dehydration alone is serious enough to house one in the hospital and she would call for an IV to rehydrate her and get her electrolites hindmost up.

If she continues to get worse cart her to the emergency room asap! If you can get her to drink some gatorade, that might sustain temporarily. But, the best thing for you to do is to achieve her to a doctor.

There are so many complications from anorexia, it could be anything from mild to possibly serious or enthusiasm threatening. Are you willing to run the risk? A true friend would get her assistance. Even if it means divulging your secret.

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This is ralph's wife speaking.When you deprive yourself of food,you are also depriving yourself of vital nutrients that your body desires each and every afternoon.This will not only affect the heart ,which wants potassium, magnesium,and calcium{salts},but also other vital organs as powerfully.The salts as they are call ,help next to the electrical pathways which support in keeping the heart hiding.Has your friend experienced any unusual heart rhythms?Fruits, veggies,and fish can be very of use.You 2 must find someone who can help you next to your anorexia.Anexoria can be so very detrimental to the body. Just as it is detrimental to be overweight,it is just as bad for you to be underweight.

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umm... both yall call for some help seriously. and you must not know much roughly it cuz then you wouldnt be anorexic! you do know you can die right.

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Try to drink fruit and vegetable liquid when you do not eat.

The body can still extract key nutrients from these.

See a doctor. Tell your parents.

(better to be a little over cargo, than dead)


Girls please please please answer this question, its substantial?

Get medical help, after both of you should see a counselor,

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