Bulimic and worried?

I have be purging for a couple of months now

ppl do not understand

i dont no watta do

im reli scared and worried for myself

i obligation some advice

How do I report a doctor to the Colorado medical board or any other board for that matter?

You influence you have be purging for a couple of months now, but do you also binge chomp through or are you just purging to lose freight? If it's the binge/purge cycle, then you enjoy Bulimia Nervosa, which is a disorder characterized by the fear of not individual able to stop ingestion. If you have be purging just to lose solidity, then you probably do not want to stop purging because your body have adapted to an empty stomach and in fact hurts a little when it have food in it. Also, you may quality guilty for not purging after you eat. The guilt will move about away if you force yourself to stop, and you can do this (unless you have Bulimia Nervosa - the binge/purge type - as this is a psychological disorder). Your digestive tract is probably adjectives out of whack and you'll need to get hold of on some medication to correct this. You most definitely have need of to see a physician and get some assist, regardless of which type. The first step is to confide in someone who will know how to assist you in getting the lend a hand you need. While in that are many medical problems associated beside bulimia, the worst (other than death) is the possibility of esophageal rupture, which means your esophagus ruptures. If this happen, you could spend many years within a bed eating through a tube. That is pretty terrifying, don't you think? Please bring some help soon.

My girl have bad pains after we have sex she couldnt move propley please help?

Instead of purging, devise of something else to do. Don't overeat so you don't feel approaching throwing up! Eat just a touch bit & go examine tv or do an activity you close to to do.

What can I use???

You need to describe someone so they can take you to the doctor to acquire into a treatment program. Tell your mom, dad, teacher, counselor, friends mom, aunt or any one. Just update someone and they well see that you grasp the help you inevitability.

What did your doctor tell you nearly activities after a D&C?

Tell someone beforehand it goes to far. A girl contained by my class was bulimic and it messed her guide up, she ended up staying in a mental place for a while. Look online for suggestion lines, someone will be there for you. You could confide surrounded by a friend also, or even tell your mother.

Help Pleasuring Myself!?

Most those do have a not easy time understanding behavior they do not do. Especially when the behavior is insalubrious. You need to gain some counseling. You need to love yourself the process you are, and if you can't do that, then cram to help yourself surrounded by better ways. Please talk to someone to find the help that you necessitate.

I seem to be shrinking?

Don't tolerate it control you. Find a counselor or therapist that specializes within eating disorders right away. If you cannot do that for anything reason try and find a bulimics anonymous group.

What does it have it in mind if when your having sex the girls vagina stinksis it suppose to smell that mode?like fish?

Hey doll facade,
Ok well first , I do infer i Have had a loooong up hillock battle next to bulimia for the past 5 years ... I own only scarcely began looking for aid , My first step was confiding in some one that i reverberatingly trusted (my mother) that i believed i had a problem and needed sustain with it and that i would appriciate her support through the opening , 2nd with my mothers minister to we found a doctor who checked me out throughly to make sure everything be still running ok and ofcoarse after five years there be many problems which i of coarse already know some irreverisible , and he reffered me to a rehab clinic in california ( state i live in ) But they can be found all over the country. And it is my partly year annivery this month although it is still quite a war of will power i will overcome this because i will not let my energy be lived by an eating disorder , I didnt see how much i missed because of this , the merriment that was taken from my natural life . The destruction it marked my body next to . I am rebuliding myself now mentally and physically to be the best and healthiest me i can be .Honey the moral of this story is you Need to bring help AS SOON AS YOU CAN . FIND SOMEONE U TRUST PERFERABLY A PARENT , GET HELP ! GET HELP! you dont wanna kepp going down this pedestrian area it lead to demise so I urge u to get aid , and try to figure out why u do it , is it your integer or your feelings .sometimes theres alot that make these conditions occur thats something i intellectual ..but get support ! I know it is hard but trust me it is worth the conflict , Your fighting for your life span dont let it take you for as long as itt had me .I craving you the best u will be in my prayers.

How long should you skulk once you start using birth control to have sex and it work as ably as possible?

My sister dealt beside this . You have to communicate to someone and it will be very difficult at times belive me. Stay positive in the order of yourself and be around people who net you happy and if you are have problems talk to a parent or even your doctor that is to say the best thing to do. Please breed sure to talk to someone. This can be especially life threatening so yak to someone.

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