Is a pregnancy audition accurate?

Im 18 years old i am a single mother and i hold a 8 month old newborn girl probelm is that i have my extent 5 days late!! and i took a pregnancy oral exam the ones that you buy at the store i bought the most expesive one ...i took the test and it come out negative. should i still verbs. or should i trust in the result i.e. negative and im not pregnant....could my interview be negative because of stress or my extent is not regular cus i recently have a baby and its adjust.befor i had a newborn i was regular most of the timeso any serve or feedback that .thanks i really appreciate it

Is it okay?

Stress can tender you an irregular period. Get another experiment to be sure or see your doctor. The best way to be sure is TO NOT HAVE SEX WITHOUT A CONDOM and to use a second form of birth control. Bringing unplanned human beings into this world should be a crime.

You're 18! Stopping screw around and use some birth control. Use some common sense. Your first child be unplanned, didn't you learn anything from that experience?

If this is your cut-out of behavior, then yes, you should still verbs. I am.

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They can be wrong, I would go to the doc for a blood experiment.
Stress can make your body freak out and after a tot, I woudln't be surprised if your cycle changes.

Cervix too low?

Yes, most are, but get hold of a blood test to build sure.

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Is my hymen ruptured?

the best approach to ease your mind is simply run another test. If it's gloomy as well next the first one was correct

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well there is a 95 percent fate that it is accurate on most test and if your still not sure i would pinch a secound test that checks contained by a diffrent way

Help! I'm broody and hate it!?

You should go to a hospital to grasp a test

This is going to nouns wierd but?

Pregnancy tests can distribute a false positive because it may be too early and you don't own enough of the hormone to brand it show positive.

You could wait and check again or go to your doctor or a clinic for a more definitive blood assessment.

Good luck and take watchfulness of yourself and your baby.

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YOure body is proabaly still regualting itself from the birth of your first child. It takes a long time, and pregnancy theory test r about 92 percent accurate if taken correctly. Check to see if the control skylight showed up if it did then the testing is working correctly

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