Strong urine =/?

When ever I go to the bathroom , my urine have a wierd smell to it. Its not like its once surrounded by a while, its almost every time! Could something be wrong?

Vitamin Questions?

urine can explain a lot in the order of your liquid diet. its recommended that you stipulation 6 - 8 glasses of wet a day, by drinking this amount or increasing your fluids it will own a vast effect on your urine - if your taking any type of medication this could afford a result of strong smell of your urine - i suggest have a "Ural" - a Ural is a sachet that you include to water to support flush out toxins in your bladder and it can help the smell of urine. if it persist see your doctor, hope i have help . good luck!

Body subdivision falling asleep after orgasm?

possibly you are not drinking enough hose down.

Get in shape contained by one month?

drink alot of water

I'm rather nerves to try cardboard tampons?

yeah it is only supposed to be close to that when you wake up possibly you just aren't getting plenty water...

My 16yr mature daughter has not have a period within 2yrs is there something wrong? She is not on BC still a virgin.?

yes, see a doctor at once

How long does it take period to become regular?

It's probably what you're eating that's cause the smell.

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yep.most potential infection.go to doctor to find it tested.

How can i?

mhmm, possibly an infection? does it hurt to go?

I want to shave but my mom said i must wait till I'm 10?

Maybe, you're not drinking plenty water. It's probably awfully yellow too.

Yes or no (i necessitate help)?

yes, you are either getting desiccated which means start drinking marine, or you may have a urine infection. Make an appt and dance see a DR. today so that it doesn't get worst. Good luck!

Bleeding Between Periods?

Yes, you could hold a bladder infection. Or some other infection.

I drink plenty of water and my urine is washed out as can be. Urine is supposed to be yellow.

Question for adjectives you younger (early 20's) ladies?

Do you drink a lot of coffee? Certain foods can get your urine smell especially strong. Too much coffee is usually what does it for me. Try drinking more water.

I'm such a deferred bloomerperiods question?

drink more marine and if it smells like fermentation its a yeast infection

Has anyone ever tried taking Dong Quai?

Is this something that started just this minute, or has it other been this track? If this is different than normal, I would see a urologist. Not to could be any number of normal things, but you may obligation a prescription.

Will exercising 4 times a week for 45 minutes to an hour?

Could be..
HAve you been intake anything weird or unusual former times week or so?
How do you feel?
Does it burn?
Are you drinking plenty water?
Are you diabetic?
Do you enjoy high-blood pressure?
Have you seen a doctor?

Any ladies can recommend a devout pad because I am THROUGH next to Always, it can't absorb anything!! No tampons

Does it smell close to ammonia..sort of?

You should *definitely* drink more water, roughly 3 times as much as your drinking now..DAILY.

Woman next to PCOS?

Possibly you may have a slight infection, but it will depend if your have other symptoms such as cramps, pains, etc...or simply, you just may want to drink more water. It also could be what you're ingestion, drinking or if you are taking any type of medication. If your problem still persists later you should contact a physician right away.

I sometimes bleed when my boyfriend * me.. why?

Certain vitamins and nutrients can cause a strange smell. Asparagus is scandalous for this.

Sometimes it can be an indication of a more serious problem. Color can also be an indicator of a more serious problem.

In general, if you are experiencing no other symptoms or affliction, it is diet related.

If you are still concerned about it, confer to your doctor on your next stop by.

Personal question?..?

How much sea do you drink? If you are not drinking very much sea, it will come out darker and stronger smelling than is commonplace.

I actually have a roommate once that pretty much all she ate be jerky, cup noodles and drank ONLY Dr. Pepper. She wondered why her urine be dark. Hmmmm...

Anyway, be sure that you are drinking plenty of hose down and eating other nutritional things. If it is still a problem, I would suggest going to the doctor and seeing what they enjoy to say in the region of it.

Also, if you have eat any asparagus recently, that can really cause it smell strong. I have never agreed specifically why, but there is some mode of chemical or something in asparagus that causes this. It is not fruitless for you, but it can be a little chance if you don't realize that is why it smells strong.

Hope you numeral it out soon!

Hw do u noe wen ur breasts r growin?

You didn't drink enough river. Be careful, discouraging for your kidney.

Please help. i hold discharge?

If you start feeling a burning sensation, after you might have a urinary tract infection. Some other symptoms are hindmost and stomach pains and cloudy urine. If you start noticing more symptoms, after see your doctor. If you let it travel for too long, you could be dealing with kidney anticlimax and I hear it is very unpleasant. I hear you can drink cranberry liquid and it will help prevent uti's from occuring, however be sure to see your doctor. If none of those things occur, consequently maybe it is the food you are ingestion.

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Your probably not drinking adequate water and call for to clean your bladder for the subsequent 5-7 days drink plenty of water and also Cranberry liquid that will flush out your kidneys and clean your bladder your probably drinking alot of soda also I would stay away from the soda which cause kidney stones and you dont want that also a urinary tract infection hurts like hell so prevent ok

Needing abet?

There are a number of possible explanations - most probable is an infection - second most likely is a kidney stone - any way the actual best thing you can do is carry along to your GP pronto and get a urine token tested. There's nothing you can do to sort it out till you know what it is.

Ok i necessitate help?

It could be frequent things. But just within case , drink plenty of hose down not a huge bucketful or anything like that. Or if it's a urinary infection, procure some cranberry juice or cranberry liquid cocktail. It helps treat UTI's. Hope this helps.

The Brest of things?


Period sound out?

urinary tract infection.. bladder infection.. kidney infection.. the list of infections dance on and on.. but it also could be as simple as not drinking enough dampen.. if it there is any discomfort, dance to the drs ASAP

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