I sometimes bleed when my boyfriend * me.. why?


Anyone know of a birth control pill/injection/patch that has decrease incidence of yeast infections?

perhaps you should stop dating Edward Scissor-Penis

What type of birth control is secure for a woman who smokes?

Not lubed enough and too energetic of a workout.

Is there a testing that shows how much body fat u hold?

maybe hes too rough.. tone it down a notch

What are different ways to do thisimportant.!!?

You may be have vaginitis.Consult your doctor.

What safer sex precautions do two monogamous, virgin, women need to lug?

use KY gal

Young girl with leukemia?

Ditch that mo fo!
Get someone whos feeling like to get you worked up first!

on a side make a note of does this bleeding happen periodically... say-so every month? ^_^

Incontinence in women?

Cervical dyspepsia is precancerous changes of the epithelial cell that line the cervix. Risk increases beside multiple sexual partners, sex previously age 18, childbirth before age 16, or a departed history of STDs. Treatment is usually cryosurgery or conization.


Listen to lily s, right above my answer. Also, could be genital warts, (HPV) which is human papilloma virus which is sexually transmitted and some of the multiple microbes (about 100 different types) 30-40 are infection causing, and of those going on for 6 are cancer causing. I would transport you the paper I freshly wrote about it but by the time you respond so that I can distribute it to you in an attachment, and afterwards you have read it, your interview results should be back. Go see the doctor he or she will relate you. Understand that it could be one of these answers you should see the doctor right away. Pre-cancer or STD is serious.

[email protected]

This is really embarrassing for me.?

I enjoy never experienced this problem and you shouldn't have any. He's not taking his time with you. Think going on for the damage you're allowing him to do to your body. He does not love or guardianship about you at adjectives and he has no respect for you any. You have to nurture about yourself and respect yourself contained by order to constraint it. If you don't make him thieve his damn time then he won't. The wounded is not being done to him kid, it's all mortal done to you. Don't allow that to happen anymore because love does not hurt. He probably wont even marry you and next to all the pull he's done, you probably wouldn't be able to experience what making love next to your husband really feel close to. Save yourself for a real man.

Vaginal Odor?

he is so frozen

Girls please help and guys tooo plzzzzzzzzzz!?

most probably he is doing it too roughly and hurt something in here and causing it to bleed. do not do it this few days and hang around for your wound to heal. if this continues, you better consult a doc, in valise of infection or something.

Period Start = 16th, It's now the 20th = No Period Yet =(?

tell your boy friend roughly speaking your query so that he wil know you during your sex.

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