
When ever I go to the br sometimes I smell this hideous scent and it comes from down there and I dont know what it its. I figure it was average and I just try to stay verbs. Am I doing the right thing?


Acne - what do you use to treat it?

If it's an overwhelming smell, something may be wrong. Especially if it's a thoroughly "fishy" odor and has a discharge, it may be a bacterial infection. But everyone's body chemistry is different, so if everything's alright, next just keep hold of doing what you've been doing: trying to stay verbs.

Do guys like knowing?

Could be an infection, could be pre-menstrual 'stuff', could be a post-sex situation.

Likely, though, that it is impeccably normal.

My husband?

it could possible be thrush, dont verbs its harmless but it does want to be treated, go see a doctor who can bequeath you something to treat it! Good Luck

I'm a little troubled?

You need to walk to the dr. It's not normal to smell alarming down there! Sounds approaching you may have an std and if it go untreated, it can really cause some serious problems!

Does an ultrasound finding of polycystic ovaries suggest I have PCOS?

If the scent is fishy or yeasty you probably enjoy an infection

Why do cramps hurt so bad?

Yes, that's everyday. Most girls don't exactly smell all that great down near! Just use soap down there when you whip a shower.

What are some signs that it is clearing up ?

A mild odor is normal, but if a fruitless odor with a sticky discharge is present then you probably hold a yeast infection. Lay off the sodas for a while, start drinking marine and get your obgyn to ring you in something for the infection, you should be better in a few days.

Is anyone else piqued by hammertime? 2nd posting 1st did not come thru?

You need to engineer sure that you drink plenty of water, and get through plenty of fruit, and that should keep you smelling nice and sweet. If not next like everyone else said hit the doctor up for some info on what could be going on.

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okay this is going to be genus of vague. If you step to the doctor and its not a yeast infection and its not a STD and you want to use something other than soap consequently there is a product you can try that my doctor suggested shortly after I have my son. Now here is the vague cog: I can't remember the name of it. If you turn to the store (drug store or walmart or something) go to where on earth they have douches. Do not seize douche but there is a product nearby that cleans that area soundly and helps next to odor. It says you can even use it when pregnant. Sorry so confused but check it out.

Why do some girls sweat smell stronger than others?

You dont mention if youre sexually active or not...if you are, it could be from an STD...or an infection of some type. Make an appointment beside your GYN.

How do you shave bikini line beside out getting red bumps?

if you are sexually active join douching to part of your cleansing routine

What is a sanitary belt? We don't enjoy them here!?

Go see a doctor a.s.a.p. It's not normal and if you enjoy an untreated infection it can cause some serious problems.

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