Has anyone ever tried taking Dong Quai?

i is an herb that claims provides relief from menstrual disorders such as cramps, irregular menstrual cycles, infrequent period, premenstrual syndrome (PMS),
i have never taken an herb so i am for a while weary


Question from a girl?

Don quai is second only to Ginseng and is considered the concluding, all-purpose woman's tonic herb. It is used for almost every gynecological complaint from regulating the menstrual cycle to treating menopausal symptoms caused by hormonal change.
Dong quai is frequently used by the Chinese as a strengthening treatment for the heart, spleen, liver and kidneys. Both men and women use the herb as a general blood tonic.
The herb have been found adjectives in harmonizing and treating many feminine systems and cycles. Dong quai's constituents can act to stimulate the crucial nervous system which can remedy feebleness and headaches associated near menstrual disorders. It strengthens internal reproductive organs, helps beside endometriosis and internal bleeding or bruising. It relieves menopausal conditions such as vaginal dryness and hot flashes.
The herb has also be used as a blood purifier, to promote blood circulation and nourish the blood within both sexes. It is high within iron content and may help to prevent iron defect and anemia. Studies show that it can aid in regulating blood sugar and in lowering blood pressure.
Dong quai have a mild sedative effect which can relieve stress and calm the nerves. It has also be used to stimulate the uterus during childbirth, treat insomnia, alleviate constipation and for migraine headache.
I am a Herb lover and i have tried Dong quai but shortly after stopped it because i established to try Vitex which is more for irregularities in woman...Dong Quai is used mostly for woman going through menopause but it can assist with womanly cycles..If your looking to just abet with your cycles i would suggest red clover, vitex, red rasberry, or feminine toner...
I hope i helped!

I merely started this new bc pill and im spotting but no term ?

u must b sure it is genuine.

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