Question for all you younger (early 20's) ladies?

I am with my boyfriend of three years. We will both be finishing up institution next year. We plan to move out next to each other and respectively want to start our lives together right away. It won't be long until we are married and then try for children.
However, this long-gone month we had for a while surprise while making love. The condom had fell bad inside.
I am now anxiously awaiting to see if I am pregnant. It wasn't long after my time of year so all facts front to no, but is it wrong that the possibility of me finding out I'm not will kind of be a dissappointment? I know it is other good to hang around until marriage and since we are starting our lives together soon anyway our time will come- but I in a way discern like I would be disappointed even though if I be, it would be hard.

Maybe if told I be, I would have a different antipathy. Maybe I'd then be hit surrounded by the face

Have any of u unmarried young women ever be dissappointed to hear no even though ur not ready?

My friend requests to know why her vagina was burning after sex.?

Wonder why you reason only 20 y/o's can relate?

I'm somewhat older but I've be right where you are. And yes, I be disappointed.

And yes again, in looking back, it be a good piece that I hadn't gotten pregnant at that time.

I'm a female who have sex for the first time. I didn't bleed the first time. 2nd time I bled..?

Nope. I could never stand a child.. Urghhh...

How can i tell my mum abt my length?

i was terrified shitless when i found out i was preg at 19 and afterwards at 22. my point is if you are young it's other scary. i am married though.

Any guidance on period problem?

I am 25 and I remember how disappointed I be when my husband and I first got together how disappointed I be when my test be negative. Dont try to rush yourself though. I have my first child at 22 and I feel characteristics of cheated. Dont get me wrong I love both my children but I decision I would have wait a little longer so I could hold done more things. Dont worry your time will come. Enjoy yourself while you are babyish!

Hmm weird interview. help!?

listen. ur babyish and u shouldnt think roughly speaking things like this so hasty in duration. u dont wanna be 25 with 5 kids. step to college do sumthin wit ur life. y do u wanna work a min wage situation for the rest of ur life? dream up about how u would wnna provide for ur children. flippin burgers isnt gunna provide satisfactory diapers for them.

jus think going on for it. take birth control u dont wanna become a number. here r a lot of teen moms who love their children but yearning so much that they woudlve waited a lil longer.

Can a girl rape a guy?

well u call for to go pocket a test

24 yr ripened female beside NO sex drive. How to get her some?

Its unequivocally not wrong to feel this style. I can tell you are an adjectives person, you become conscious what having a child would do to your go and it is completely natural for some women to want a child. I think give or take a few having a toddler all the time, but i do want to hang around until i am done with graduate conservatory and I am married etc., but thats just me. probably you are done with college, you utter you are moving in with your boyfriend soon etc., you know where on earth you are financially. But do think in the region of the fact that you are childlike and when you have a kid its for the rest of your life, so try not to be too disappointed if you aren't pregnant and only just see it as a sign that it wasn't the right time for you and you still have lots to do in the past you have to bring to the fore a family.

Wax strips on **?

Sorry I'm not exactly young-looking anymore, I'm 28. But I can relate to that disappointment. Even if it wasn't planned when I thought I might be pregnant and all the things in my existence would have made have a baby difficult, I be disappointed the times I found out I wasn't. It went paw in appendage with nouns, but the disappointment was the first article that hit and I felt it more than the nouns.

Don't worry, if you're not afterwards you can still focus on your goals and here is plenty of time for kids!
But if you are, CONGRATS! :-)

Pregnancy/Birth Control Pills?

Yes, actually give or take a few a year before we get married. We thought that maybe we could hold been pregnant. I be soo scared but he be soo excited. He actually made me want to be pregnant because he be so happy. In the ending I was not pregnant and I don't remember the final time I felt so disappointed.
Wait and see. Either instrument think of it as a blessing. If you are next your blessing will be the baby. If you are not, consequently you will have more time together to do the things you want, wear the nuptials dress you want to, go on the dream honeymoon you want to and so on. The time will come when you will be married and primed to have a little one, and the wait will merely make it that much more special. That is the mode I had to look at it.
Best of luck!

Can a doctor report if you've masturbated.i'm a girl btw?

I'm 24, been next to my boyfriend now for 2yrs, we enjoy lived together for 9 months and plan on getting married eventually. There have be quite a few times I've be late and feel perhaps I could be pregnant, just to find out I am not. And yes, each time I be let down... even though..if I be to get pregnant in a minute it wouldn't be good timing. My boyfriend is starting a trial job contained by a few months, we may be moving out of state, and I am really just genesis to get my craft going. Also, he wants to enjoy a good relationship beside his mom, but she is having a complicated time accepting her son is almost 30 and in a serious relationship... If I became pregnant presently.. It could very ably ruin the good causeway we're on. My boyfriend would be under much added stress and pressure, starting a unusual job, finding out I'm pregnant and he would get the impression we must get married right throw adjectives of that on top of him would be too much and he would burst. It would hurt our relationship. Also, his mother would hit the roof and he would be upset contained by hurting his relationship with his family connections. Also, it would cause plentiful of my plans to come to a stop and take a different direction so I could plan for this babe-in-arms whos on his or her way.

The one and solitary thing I've ever needed, is to be a mom. I was an solitary child and I loved babies growing up... I cannot wait to be a mother! In reality, even last dark, I had a dream that I have a little babe girl :) Its so important to me. And but I know, that if I became pregnant in a minute it wouldn't be good for me..for my boyfriend or for our lives together.

I of late believe in my heart and soul that it will come to be someday and it will be wonderful and for immediately I am thankful for my great relationship and I am content near what I have immediately.
But to answer your question... yes.. really

Do you think im overweight?

Nah its not wrong to hope but hold it from me FINISH school first because its so knotty to go rear legs once you have a kid im 22 and 1/2 process through an early training degree but im 31 weeks preg and plan on brestfeeding so its ganna be style hard im ganna try and do some classes onlne =) but you love this guy more than any one you hold ever loved this way b4 so its resembling stamped in to your brain "IM YOUNG AND THERE IS A GOOD MAN MAKE BABIES!" worthy luck to you both and i hope everything works out the way you planed and if than just travel with the flow within has be a few times unplanes unready that i have cried becase i get my hopes up. and dont let any one bring up to date you that you HAVE to be married first to have a cheerful family a pice of tabloid doesnt make a domestic an honest loving relationship makes a great kinfolk!!

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