Do guys have period?


This is a very atypical question, I dont really know how to ask it but read anyway?

You're kid right? Of course not! They don't ovulate! They don't have a uterus! (period= ovulation and uterus facing -> blood) Guys do PMS though haha.

What is the window for taking birth control at duplicate time each time?

no but they go through andropause

When will I acquire my period? PLEASE HELP?!? prehistoric are you??

Has anyone tried a 'Mooncup'?

No. They don't have period. They don't have a uterus.

My hand and feet itched for 2 days, and consequently I had a miscarriage, and it stopped. Is this related?


If I am fear ok, can I have sex two weeks after a c-section?

um, NO

Morning after pill?


Is it typical for my period to do this?

Think roughly speaking it..Do guys get pregnant?

I enjoy pain contained by my knee integrated, heels, and left buttocks. Is this rheumatism or by other cause? whats the good?


Random pee problem? Yasmin Pill and dont know where on earth to start!?


Has anyone tried safetan fake suntan, and if so whats it like? Does it enjoy an odor?

No - they just enjoy the "DUHS"

Urinating bugs?

no they don't but I would swear that they get irritable once a month. Watch them. You'll see. It seem like they own a nuisance week. They move about brain dead worse than usual and they can draw from really bitchy or something. I would say they enjoy a time of the month.

Blood clot in my moved out side after giving birth?

Not unless they have a uterus. They may own hormonal changes seriously during puberty, but only girls hold periods. You hold to have the right equipment to own periods.

How do you really know?

No, they don't hold a menustral flow, becuase they don't ovulate. Women only enjoy period's because it sheds the bin liner of their uterus for future childbearing. So no, definently no period in men.
But they definently exploit like they own pms, haha. And there hold been some studies that show that men will own 'refreshers' every three months or so which is sort of like PMS, where on earth they'll become moody but then are gone, 'refreshed'. But I'm not so sure adjectives of that is proven.

I menstrate every 35-40 days, is this ok?

NO! Only Question Marks! :)

Is it undisruptive to have oral sex near a person who have a yeast infection?

Well a period is a menstrual cycle - so no. Men don't own wombs.
However men do have hormone cycles. Every three months a man's testosterone will be greatest.

Double period?

Not close to a woman does, but studies have shown that men receive PMS like symptoms at confident times of the month. They can get cranky, and some can even obtain more emotional.

Is it true that 'collectively speaking' a woman will go through menopause around alike age as her mother did?

yes dear and u know they like to hold the last woord, as usual, but

What is this?

No, a woman's time is when her uterus is ready to start growing a babe, but when the egg doesn't mix with sperm the extra blood comes out and the uterus starts to take ready for subsequent month. Since men don't have a uterus, they don't enjoy periods.

Question about breasts..ladies only?,

I'm sorry to transmit you, guys don't experience that sick, disgusting feeling every month! It is soo tough to have a spell, guys are lucky they don't get them. If you want to receive detailed, it's because men don't have ovaries and thats what produces eggs which make the whole extent cycle happen which make babies. If men got period, men could have babies! All of this is coming from a ripened are u???

Whats birth control?

No. u learn that contained by garde 3.

Is it normal for my breast to other be sore?


I advise you not to play withing anything sharp. You could hurt yourself.

Do guys step through puberty?

u gotta be f*&!@ing kidding me!!. no they dont. they dont hold ovaries or anything.

I forgot I didn't have any more contraceptive pill pack left?

um no they dont enjoy a va gina so blood doesnt come out of there semen comes out of their penises it taste GOOD!

Question about bulk and period. Please answer.?

depends on what STD they own lol.

Is this an eating disorder?

the unmistakable answer would be no (because guys dont have a uterus blah blah blah). but infact the CORRECT ANSWER is yes, but not similar to the ones girls have. an example is if they are within weight training and hold been lifting impossible to tell apart amount for days, and then in the future it suddenly feels lighter and easier to raise, that is when they "enjoy it". there is, obviously, more to it than just that, but its adjectives i have time to write. but again, the answer is yes.

Ladies i have need of your help to answer this interrogate about gym nouns smart women?

They should have to run through the same torment as women but unfortunately, no, guys do not hold periods. Guys do not enjoy a uterus, which during periods the bin liner of the uterus is shed, therefore cause cramping and blood loss.

I have a bladder infection, I go to my doctor and he prescribed me with sulfatrim and told me not to own?

not really but guys do have times of frustrations when a woman is have her period-- it means no sex--for a while

Please abet me?

No, but they sure act close to they do.

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