Question in the order of weight and extent. Please answer.?

Please, serious answers only.
I want to know what could be a judgment for me not getting my period. I'm 16 in a minute and had my first spell when I was 14, 2 years ago...and it's be very irregular. I have it every 5-6 months or so..and the last time I have it was 6 months ago. I've also lost alot of consignment since last year. I am 5'1", small boned, and weigh 95 pounds. I be 110 last year and according to my Mom, I'm not getting my interval because I have too little body heavy. Is this true or could there be other reason? If so, what are they?

My period have ALWAYS been irregular so would gaining some grease make it usual? My Mom also refuses to pinch me to a gynecalogist because she believes if I gain fat and be 110 pounds again, I'll go and get my period... do you stipulation fat to seize your period? Do skinny those get their period? What other reasons could be for me not getting my spell? Is 95 pounds too little?


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Weight loss and gain will effect your hormones which in turn effect your period. Go to a doctor just to be checked on.
There can be problems that aren't definite to you!
Like cysts on the ovaries.

Missed period for 2 months?

u should run straight to the doctor. not having period is really a serious problem. u could be pregnet. so show it to the doctor immediately. it can be precarious 4 future.

Is it okay if you dont gain your period by 16?

weighing just 95 pounds could stop ur period too losing that 15 pounds could do that be it too. 95 pounds is to lite to be but i'm not a doctor i would consider see the doctor and ask them

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Sweety sweety sweety... If getting skinny be all I needed to do to not enjoy a period. I'd be adjectives over it! Just about every childish girl goes through this... The first few years of your time your period WILL be nonstandard. It has nought to do with how SKINNY you are.. Your body itself is not on a agenda yet because its still developing. Think in the region of it.. Your body on average (for a girl/women) will not finish growing and developing until about 22-23 years of age. I'm a 23 going on for to be 24 year old mother contained by med school and I am of late now to the point where on earth I can track my period. Your fine don't verbs about "putting overweight on", seriously. If any thing be thank full that you individual have it once every couple months, because as you gain older, your seriously going to miss it!! LOL

Girls please abet;; im very curious?

It is true that if you hold very little body plump , your body may stop having period as a protection from a pregnancy it knows it can't 'thinks' you may be adjectives so doesn't want to add to the burden. Isn't the human body amazing? That human being said, you don't sound that underwight for your distance from the ground...try to talk near a doctor for your own peace of mind. Your health is crucial and you need to start taking consideration of yourself now so that your adjectives will be the best it possibly can be.

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take it from someone who been near. when i was your age i am much elder now (a woman never reveals her real age lol :-) any track I weight just about 90 bl when i was 15. get my first period at 13 and never receive it again. My mother took me to the Dr. and they had to put me on medication. you see at that bulk I was anemic (not ample blood in my system) they put me on a special diet near high protein food that comfort me put on some weight. my recommend is to get your mother to clutch you to see a Dr. and take it from their. don't wast time thinking that its nil, if you are not having your spell every month then it's a big problem. hope that aid take assistance.

Ever think abou this?

It would probably be best to see a doctor or nurse. If your mother refuse to take you possibly you can make an appoinment near your school nurse? There may be a organization run service relating to sexual health that you can build an appointment with yourself, but here may be a fee involved.
Weight can be an issue but so can other factor so it is probably best to get it checked out by a professional. If you are trying to control your bulk to keep it low that could be an issue as all right. Have you lost weight through choice or is it something that have just smoothly happened as you enjoy grown?
I don't think within is anything such as a normal bulk, everyone is different so their is no standard weight, muscle mass and a mixture of other factors may affect a individuals weight. 2 associates of the same elevation and size may have different weights.


Go to a doctor.
Extreme weight loss can take home a woman miss a period.

How do you know when you have your length?

Why you lost weight is the grill. If you are taking drastic steps tp lose weight, hunger may be a reason for irregular interval. Other than that, endocrine abnormalities, similar to thyroids, pituitary etc. are the reasons. I give attention to you should go for a thorough c/up. Good luck!

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