How do you really know?

Can you get your spell and still be pregnant?
What are the early signs of one pregnant?
Can you feel symptoms of pregnancy the year after unprotected sex?
If you have your length after unprotected sex,can you still be pregnant?

How did you tell your parent that you have your 1st?

It's very unlikely. It's smaller quantity than 5% of women who have a time and are still pregnant. No, you cannot feel the symptoms of mortal pregnany only sometime after unprotected sex. Most people don't even know they're pregnant until they miss their first length and then recurrently don't have symptoms until they're in the region of a month pregnant. If you're unsure, buy yourself a home pregnancy test (hpt) and examination.

What is the best birth-control tablrt and when is the right time to break ur virginity?

sleepiness and weight gain (usually six weeks and up)

AM I the ONLY one who does this!?

Yes - you can enjoy a light blood flow and still be pregnant . Early signs are swollen boobs , lethergy , deferred period , low posterior pain or cramp , sense feint . You can not feel pregant in the future later - with the sole purpose feeling markedly small and silly for having unprotected sex . And a moment ago on that - no contraception is 100 % safe - for every 100 girls on the pill - one falls pregnant . So this may be a valid wake up phone up - before you own sex look at the bloke and think - do I want this personality to be the father of my child ?

Brown/black spotting?

yes, i knew a girl who go six months having her time while pregnant. when she finally took the test she with the sole purpose had three months to dance.
early signs are tender breasts, morning sickness, moodiness.
it's be said by some women that they knew right away, my mother said she know the same darkness.
so if you have a doubt, EPT

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