Is this an consumption disorder?

Have i got the symptoms of an consumption disorder?

A week ago i quit eating everything but dinner so once a light of day at 5pm I have a small dinner possibly a bit of pie, a salad, some vegtables and potato or toast, i cant eat any other time, i quality tired and out of breath and terribly weak but thinking of intake makes me discern like a bomb i feel the smaller amount i eat the better i am, my mood have become foul and i want to shout at everyone else for eating junkfood and drinking fizzy liquid but i dont i feel similar to i am doing well because i can resist drinking, i feel stout although everyone says im not but i have a sneaking suspicion that they just want to gross me feel better although it make me feel resembling they are telling me what i want to hear...
what should i do?

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yes, you own anorexia. I had anorexia too for 2 years so i know how you have a feeling. I would eat once a sunshine and i would have a pack of crackers. i lost a ton of counterweight and i still felt margarine then i have to go to the hospital. Some of my friends come to see me and they were crying basis they were so worried roughly speaking me and they convinced me to start eating again so I did. I be alot happier although i still questioned what i looked approaching so i made an agreement with my friends that if i ever started to look over solidity that they would tell me. And i promised them that i wouldnt acquire mad. So try finding a really close friend that can comfort you because you are really hurting yourself by not eating. Feel free to email me if you want to consult more. [email protected]

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You requirement to speak to your doctor, you obviously own an eating disorder and you call for help immediately.
Your health is without a doubt aready suffering, so please, go and see your doctor and achieve some help.

Feminax Will I be ok?!?

sounds you resembling you have developed anorexia. win to your doctor and they can advise you!


So you are punishing yourself by not ingestion? Do you feel you hold control when you 're not eating? If you can answer yes to these question, you should seek some professional abet!

? about nuvaring?

sounds approaching uve depoled anxoira u need to see a docto

Why isnt my interval coming?

Yes! That is an eating disorder and near that said, odds are, you are fine at the size you are, you a short time ago physically cannot see it. It is the problem with disorders such as that. You obligation to see someone ASAP about this. Eating disorders organize to death, not human being skinny, well... I guess you are, but you are DEAD! Eating isn't fiasco, eating is what you do to stay alive, if you really want to be within shape and feel and look dutiful, exersize, eat ably, not less. You inevitability to see a physician and a therapist ASAP! Go! What are you waiting for!

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It is great that you own recognised a problem, it means that you hold a greater chance of getting over this horrible disease. The subsequent step is to talk to someone you trust , prehaps someone you are close beside? But if this seems strong sometimes it is better to talk to someone you don't even know, a councellor or GP?. I hope you draw from the help you call for, you have the strength presently to do it, Go for it! This disease will only take worse the longer it is with you, i enjoy seen it dwindle girls to just wanting to be the 'immaculate weight' in the past they die- they don't care almost trying to survive, they just want to die lean....The emotion srain it puts on family is horrendous.
Go get minister to while you realise you have a problem, fitting luck

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