This is a intensely odd give somebody the third degree, I dont really know how to ask it but read anyway...?

Okay I am a female and today I notice a lump or like a moment or two ball type entity on the front the front part of my "private area(i dont know what its called)"
and now its bothering me...It's approaching having a lump within ur breast but there.i know this is strange but help me if you can..

Why won't the blood stop?

Could be a boil if it hurts or starts to hurt contained by a couple of days. Nothing to worry going on for. A boil is just an infection trapped beneath the skin. You can have them removed if too bothersome but, it will stir away in a few days. It's sort of resembling a big pimple. I have have several of them in that nouns and on the behind. I own had mine removed past even in those areas.Go to and look up boil, or ask your doctors nurse almost them over the phone good luck.

I be wondering whether getting your period prompt can be the absolute sign that you are not pregnant?

u might enjoy an infection! so plz go to see ur doctor, so he would backing u and tell u exactly what u involve to do... the sooner u go the better.
it could be even allergy, so shift to see ur doctor.
Good luck

Girls Only!!?

It's your clitoris keep rubbing it and you'll win a pleasant surprise ;)

Seriously bad period every month?

you might have an infection that could be dodgy or you might just own a boil or bump of some sort that appeared due to lack of cleanliness.
i advocate you to clean thoroughly and do so for a few days. see if it works. you should also see a doctor so that if it does become hazardous to your vigour, then you can prevent it from growing

Need suggestion, I might neeed surgery!?

If there isn't any cramp, it may be a clogged lymph node. I would see a doctor just to be sure and put your mind at straightforwardness, the stress can't be good!

Is it adjectives for a woman's cup size to increase when on the pill? What is the average amount of weight gain?

could be a bartholins gland cyst. put a hot compress on it and rub it in a hot hip bath.

Pain after sex?

infection from your pubic hair. move about to the nearest family doctor for consultation.

Do you draw from painful, stinky gas during your spell?

Yeah, i'm thinking its a lymph node also. i think i had something similar to that when i was younger, and i be a virgin, so it's not necessarily sex related. it went away, and i'm sure yours will as ably. as long as it doesn't hurt, don't worry nearly it. the dr. will probably tell you alike thing. well brought-up luck

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